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Forked from paulbjensen/Cakefile
Created September 10, 2012 13:35
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A CoffeeScript Cakefile to generate a control file for your application
fs = require 'fs'
control = require 'control'
task = control.task
task "deploy_script", "Creates a deployment script for your application", ->
appName = "appName"
serverEnvironment = "staging"
serverAddress = ""
sshUsername = "app"
startCommand = "/etc/init.d/#{appName} start"
stopCommand = "/etc/init.d/#{appName} stop"
restartCommand = "/etc/init.d/#{appName} restart"
deployCommand = "cd /var/www/#{appName} && git pull origin master && npm install"
content = []
content.push "####################################"
content.push "# Deploy Script - Paul Jensen 2011 #"
content.push "####################################"
content.push "#"
content.push "###### Installation ######"
content.push "#"
content.push "# npm install control"
content.push "#"
content.push "###### Usage ######"
content.push "#"
content.push "# e.g. coffee #{serverEnvironment} deploy"
content.push "#"
content.push ""
content.push "control = require 'control'"
content.push "task = control.task"
content.push "perform = control.perform"
content.push ""
content.push "task '#{serverEnvironment}', 'config got my server', ->"
content.push "config = user: '#{sshUsername}'"
content.push " addresses = ['#{serverAddress}']"
content.push " control.hosts config, addresses"
content.push ""
content.push "task 'stop', 'stop the application', (host) ->"
content.push " host.ssh '#{stopCommand}'"
content.push ""
content.push "task 'start', 'start the application', (host) ->"
content.push " host.ssh '#{startCommand}'"
content.push ""
content.push "task 'restart', 'restart the application', (host) ->"
content.push " host.ssh '#{restartCommand}'"
content.push ""
content.push "task 'deploy', 'deploy the latest version of the app', (host) ->"
content.push " host.ssh '#{deployCommand}', ->"
content.push " perform 'restart', host"
content.push ""
fs.writeFile "", content.join("\n"), (err) ->
if err
throw err
process.exit 1
console.log " has been created for you. Enjoy."
process.exit 0
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