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Dejan Ranisavljević dejanr

View GitHub Profile
Debian, Ubuntu
sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine winetricks mono-complete
#Wine bottle / prefix
export WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.config/projectascension/WoW" && export WINEARCH=win32
#Make directory
marcan / CRCH35U31CIS_FP
Last active July 31, 2022 14:54
CRCH35U31CIS_FP HDD cage logs

Topology: VL822 hub + 4x ASM235CM (?) USB Gen2 - SATA bridges.

Tested with 4x WDC WD80EAZZ-00BKLB0 on an AMD X399 chipset.

~200MB/s from a single drive (this is about what the drive can do).

On a Gen1 port, I get ~400MB/s across all 4 drives. On a Gen2 port, ~800MB/s, give or take.

Power buttons power cycle the individual ASMedia controllers.

dejanr /
Created November 19, 2018 23:47 — forked from Caffe1neAdd1ct/
Eve Online with Wine and Arch Linux
## enable multilib see
sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
## this is not a comprehensive list as installed on an existing system, look for errors in the terminal after running the Eve Launcher exe
sudo pacman -S wine wine_gecko winetricks q4wine wine-mono lib32-gnutls samba lib32-mpg123 lib32-sdl lib32-libldap lib32-libpulse
mkdir ~/Wine
cd ~/Wine
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/Wine/win32 winecfg

Nix Flake MVP


  • To provide Nix repositories with an easy and standard way to reference other Nix repositories.

  • To allow such references to be queried and updated automatically.

  • To provide a replacement for nix-channel, NIX_PATH and Hydra

b333z / vsls
Last active July 20, 2021 22:55
vccode live share nixos
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# TODO: Look at nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/
set -eu
TOOLS="patchelf xsel"
DEPS="utillinux.out openssl.out icu zlib curl.out lttng-ust libsecret libkrb5"
{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
with lib;
cfg =;
in {
options = {
services.batteryNotifier = {
enable = mkOption {
pesterhazy / minimalist-migration-framerwork.sql
Created October 19, 2017 14:59
Minimalist migration framework for PostgreSQL
create table if not exists migrations (
create or replace function idempotent(migration_name text,code text) returns void as $$
if exists (select key from migrations where key=migration_name) then
raise notice 'Migration already applied: %', migration_name;
raise notice 'Running migration: %', migration_name;
staltz / .bashrc
Created October 16, 2017 12:42
Put this in your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent) file. Then run `reactnativedev ""`
# Tweak tap coordinates as you wish
function reactnativedev() {
adb shell input keyevent 82;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input tap 150 1401;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input tap 150 1401;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input text "$1";
sleep 0.1;
jevakallio /
Last active July 7, 2021 19:57
#ReactiveConf 2017 Lightning Talk Submission: JavaScript Slam Poetry

TL;DR: If you want to see me perform a spoken word poem about JavaScript in front of 1000 people (and on video), please ⭐ star this gist. If you're on mobile, you'll need to request desktop site.

JavaScript Slam Poetry

Javascript! Slam! Poetry!