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Last active June 13, 2016 15:21
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List of QA proceses for refer first release.

#Roles-Responsibilities ##Admin

  • Creates companies

##Company User (Human resource)

  • Manage employees
  • Manage positions
  • Hire candidates
  • Manage payments


  • Connect social netwoks

  • Manage campaigns

    Shares positions Creates scheduled sharings

  • Get paid

##Candidate-Public User

  • Apply to position

#Core Flow

New company and invite Human Resource

Admin > New company > Fill form > Save > Invite > Fill form > Send > Logout
HR Email inbox > Get Started > Fill password > Set my password

Create position

HR > Positions > New Position > Fill form > Save

##Invite Employee

HR > Employees > New Employee > Fill form > Save > Logout
Employee email inbox > Get started > Fill form > Set my password > Connect > Continue > Follow tour

Employee social connections

Employee > Right-top menu > Edit profile > Connect

Employee share post once

Employee > Positions > Share > Fill form > Share

Employee schedule a post sharing

Employee > Positions > Share > Fill form  with repeat over time > Share

##Candidate applies to position

Public user > Employee twitter > shared position > Fill form > Send
HR > Candidates |> should see new candidate

##Hire candidate

HR > Candidates > Edit > Hired > Save
HR > Balance > Pending |> see pending payment for referer employee
Employee > Balance > Pending |> Referral employee should see pending payment

###Employee collect payment Once a referral from employee is hired

HR > Balance > Pending > Mark as paid |> See message 'waiting for employee'
Employee > Balance > Pending > Mark as paid > Paid |> See payment and top numbers changed.
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