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Created May 1, 2014 17:24
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An example of using STP's C API that is broken when second query is executed
/* This small program is a trivial example showing
* how to use a few bits of the STP C-API
#include <stp/c_interface.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void handleQuery(VC handle, Expr queryExpr);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int width=8;
VC handle = vc_createValidityChecker();
VC handle2 = vc_createValidityChecker();
// Create variable "x"
Expr x = vc_varExpr(handle, "x", vc_bvType(handle, width));
// Create bitvector x + x
Expr xPlusx = vc_bvPlusExpr(handle, width, x, x);
// Create bitvector constant 2
Expr two = vc_bvConstExprFromInt(handle, width, 2);
// Create bitvector 2*x
Expr xTimes2 = vc_bvMultExpr(handle, width, two, x);
// Create bool expression x + x = 2*x
Expr equality = vc_eqExpr(handle, xPlusx , xTimes2);
vc_assertFormula(handle, vc_trueExpr(handle) );
// We are asking STP: ∀ x. true → ( x + x = 2*x )
// This should be VALID.
printf("######First Query\n");
handleQuery(handle, equality);
// We are asking STP: ∀ x. true → ( x + x = 2 )
// This should be INVALID.
printf("######Second Query\n");
// Create bool expression x + x = 2
Expr badEquality = vc_eqExpr(handle, xPlusx , two);
handleQuery(handle, badEquality);
// Clean up
return 0;
void handleQuery(VC handle, Expr queryExpr)
// Print the assertions
vc_printAsserts(handle, 0);
int result = vc_query(handle, queryExpr);
case 0: printf("Query is INVALID\n");
// print counter example
printf("Counter example:\n");
case 1: printf("Query is VALID\n");break;
case 2: printf("Could not answer query\n");break;
case 3: printf("Timeout.\n"); break;
default: printf("Unhandled error\n");
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