with support for downloading both free and paid apps you own
- set up a token dispenser, used to get a login cookie to use the google play unofficial api
- run gplaycli to download the apks (uses the token dispenser)
- run fdroid to generate all the filed and metadata from the apks
- serve the output directory with an http server
- the token dispenser is a trivially small http server/api to generate authentication tokens from google play
- gplaycli can either use a public token dispenser instance, or a private local instance
- to be able to use paid apps you own, you need to login with your own account; for this you need to host your own instance
- the token dispenser needs to store an account password, using either a mongo db, a password file, or environment variables (see the README)
- it might be safer to use a Google application password rather than the main google account password
git clone https://github.com/matlink/token-dispenser
cd token-dispenser
# edit the config file before compiling
# storage= can be either mongo, plaintext or env
nano src/main/resources/config.properties
# by default token dispenser will output its log to a file
# change the logger properties to change this (i use stdout)
nano src/main/resources/simplelogger.properties
mvn clean package
# output file is target/token-dispenser.jar
note: token-dispenser is currently broken, see this comment for a fix
always keep it running, for example as a systemd service
java -jar target/token-dispenser.jar
if using the plaintext password storage, beware of placing the passwords file relative to the working directory of the process
- gplaycli is a command line tool to download APKs from the google play store using both the token dispenser and the google play unofficial API
pip3 install gplaycli --user
# edit the config file; a sample is available at:
# https://github.com/matlink/gplaycli/blob/master/example_token.conf
# edit token_url to point to the url and port of your token dispenser
nano gplaycli.conf
to download one APK:
gplaycli -c gplaycli.conf -d com.my.package -v -y
to update all APKs in a folder:
gplaycli -c gplaycli.conf -u folder/ -v -y
note: gplaycli caches the token it gets from token dispenser, sometimes for too long, and gets login issues. i found that clearing the token before calling gplaycli fixes the issue:
rm -f ~/.cache/gplaycli/token
- fdroid is a command line tool to generate fdroid indexes and metadata from APKs
- fdroid will output the fdroid repository (APK and metadata files) in
fdroid init
# edit the fdroid config file
nano config.py
mkdir repo/
fdroid update -c -v
- the
folder will contain all the APK and metadata files - then, just add the url you served the folder to in your fdroid app repositories
- this is a shell script that i use to update (or download) my fdroid repository
- the script is run hourly by a systemd timer
- the script assumes that you have a file
containing one full package name per line and a folderstatic
containing any additional APKs you might want to add to your f-droid repository - the script will download any new APKs not currently downloaded, and update any outdated ones
- the script will output (and update atomically-ish) the final repository content in
, to be served by an HTTP server
#!/bin/bash -eux
rm -fr repo
mkdir -p repo
mkdir -p apk
rm -f ~/.cache/gplaycli/token
echo "Updating apps in apk/"
gplaycli -c gplaycli.conf -u apk/ -v -y
echo "Downloading new apps to apk/"
while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [ ! -f "apk/${line}.apk" ]; then
echo "Downloading new app: ${line}"
gplaycli -c gplaycli.conf -d "$line" -f apk/ -v -y
done < list.txt
echo "Linking to repo/"
for f in static/*.apk; do ln -s "../static/${f##*/}" "repo/static_${f##*/}"; done
for f in apk/*.apk; do ln -s "../apk/${f##*/}" "repo/${f##*/}"; done
echo "Updating F-Droid"
fdroid update -c -v
rm -rf metadata srclibs
echo "Replacing repo_prod"
rm -fr repo_prod
mv repo repo_prod
- example content of list.txt:
note: make sure to leave a blank newline at the end (pretty standard)