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Last active January 20, 2016 19:17
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Notes on using RegEx to parse strings in Python
import re # regex
# This will be used to capture a group () within a larger string, and save that group to a variable
# Set regex pattern to match
dcpattern = re.compile( r'DC=[-]?(\d*\.?\d*)V?' , flags=(re.IGNORECASE) )
#regex expression within 'raw' python string, to prevent interpretation/escaping (%f etc.).
# The Regular Expression
# DC=[-]?(\d*\.?\d*)V?
# searches for exact text match
# DC=
# 0 or 1 instances (the '?') of the set of characters
# -
# Start a group to capture via () parentheses
# This is how we extract the part of the string we're looking for.
# Find any number (*) of decimals (\d), via
# \d*
# maybe (?) a period (maybe doesn't need the \ escaping?)
# \.?
# And more decimals (assume this just goes away if there's no decimal point)
# This forms the 1st 'group' to capture, since it's enclosed in ()
# Here we captured only the numbers.
# Maybe (?) has a
# V
# Ignored case in the whole expression, but I believe we could have also specified
# [Dd][Cc]
# and
# [Vv]
# (sets of characters that include both upper & lower case) to accomplish the same thing
# perform the search:
m = f1 ) # use regex pattern to extract DC value from filename (see above for regex definition, dcpat.compile() )
# m will contain any 'groups' () defined in the RegEx pattern.
if m:
Vdc = float( ) # grab 1st group from RegEx & convert to float
print 'DC value found:', m.groups(), ' --> ', Vdc, '(V)'
#groups() prints all captured groups
# for example, if
f1 = 'Iinj=1.0mA, Vdc=2.220V - 08 Oct 2013, 1130_28- Optical Spectrum.jpg'
# after the search, we'd get:
Vdc = 2.22
'''Other useful RegEx tokens
. - any single character
.* - any single character, any number of times (eg. any number of characters)
+ - like *, but can't be zero characters (only one or more)
\d - a single decimal number
? - may or may not have the preceeding char, eg.
0? means maybe has a 0
\s - any whitespace (tab, space, newline etc.)
Capture number with possible decimal point:
(\d+\.?\d*) - One or more decimals (must include left-most 0 then, ie. ".045" won't match, only "0.045"), followed by Maybe a ".", followed by any number of (including none) decimals
Match either or two words:
/(?:wordone|wordtwo)/ (?: means group but don't capture (eg. not giving the group a name)
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