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demotomohiro / minimumTriangle.nim
Created November 20, 2024 03:34
Minimum example nim-glfw code to draw a triangle using OpenGL
# Minimum example nim-glfw code to draw a triangle using OpenGL.
# There are more examples on nim-glfw repo:
# Get glad/gl.nim from
import glad/gl
# Install nim-glfw from
demotomohiro / testgcd.nim
Last active August 31, 2024 20:04
Euclidean algorithm with method of least absolute remainders
import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random, sugar, os, typetraits]
EnableTests = false
EnableCount = not EnableTests and false
EnableBench = not EnableTests
template bench(repeat: int; init, body: untyped): untyped =
var minTime = initDuration(days = 2)
for i in 1 .. repeat:
import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random, hashes]
template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
let start = getMonoTime()
let finish = getMonoTime()
echo "Time: ", (finish - start).inMicroseconds, "μ sec"
proc main =
# Use paramCount() to initialize rand so that compiler cannot run this code
demotomohiro / test_inotify.nim
Created March 8, 2023 05:55
Example Nim code to use inotify on Linux
import std/[macros, os]
import posix, posix/inotify
macro testMasks(v: uint32; m: untyped; mstr: untyped; masks: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
masks.expectMinLen 2
result = newStmtList()
let userCode = masks[^1]
for i in 0 ..< (masks.len - 1):
demotomohiro / afterHakkou3.JPG
Last active October 2, 2022 07:03
demotomohiro / bigintsqrt.nim
Created August 11, 2022 14:00
Fast approximated BigInt sqrt
import std/[math, options]
import bigints
func sqrt(a: BigInt): Option[BigInt] =
if a < 0'bi:
# Approximate BigInt as z = x * 2^(2y)
# (0 ≦ x < 2^62, y ∈ N)
# Then sqrt(z) = sqrt(x) * 2^y.
demotomohiro / amn.nim
Last active September 28, 2022 22:38
Calculate an automorphic number
# This program calculate an automorphic number.
# 何乗しても下N桁が同じになる数(自己同形数 Automorphic number)を計算して出力します。
# How to compile and run
# 1. Install Nim (
# 2. $ nimble refresh
# 3. $ nimble install cligen
# 4. $ nimble install
# 5. $ nim c -d:danger --passC:-flto --passL:"-flto -s" amn.nim
# 6. $ ./amn run --numDigits=10000 > result.txt
demotomohiro / testimg.nim
Last active June 30, 2022 09:40
Realtime pixel drawing
import std/[strformat, strutils, bitops]
import pixie, chroma
# define `nort` when opengl or windows system is not available.
when not defined(nort):
import nimgl/[glfw, opengl]
proc `{}`(image: var Image, x, y: int): var ColorRGBX =
## Accessing any pixels outside the bounds of the image is error
when not defined(danger):
demotomohiro / randomseed.nim
Created August 30, 2021 09:25
## Visualize how Pseudo-random number generators created with jump function and with random seed use PRNG state space.
## Visualize how Pseudo-random number generators created
## with jump function and with random seed use PRNG state space.
## Install pixie with `nimble install pixie`
import std/[strformat, random]
import pixie
numRows = 32
numColumns = 64
demotomohiro / build_libnice.nims
Created October 10, 2020 01:24
Build & Install libnice 0.1.17 on gentoo linux
import os
proc execQuote(args: varargs[string]) =
proc download(url, dist: string) =
mkDir dist.parentDir
execQuote "wget", url, "-O", dist
proc untar(src, dist: string) =