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Last active September 26, 2019 22:38
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Libs that i researched

sequelize-typescript | typeorm | knex | bookshelf | objection

Libs that i tested my self

sequelize-typescript | typeorm


Basically i want to write raw sql and get a type safe object tree with relations eg. { a: { bs: [] } }, but i understand this is not possible out of the box and i need mapping with some ORM. So i'm looking for these features

  1. mapping one-to-many to an object tree, eg: A one-to-many B => { a: { bs: [] } }
  1. mapping with just classes and not schemas. This is because its so tedious to write the same attrs twice and i end up avoiding the mapping step.
  • sequelize: classes and schema or just schema :/
  • sequelize-typescript: this get the work done.
  • typeorm: awesome! it have a repository pattern so i have a well separated code.
  • bookshelf: not my style objection: not my style
  1. typescript support
  • sequelize: yes, with both class and scheme definition :/ sequelize-typescript: this get the work done.
  • typeorm: awesome! <3
  • knex: yep, very nice
  • bookshelf: ?
  • objection: ?
  1. repository pattern is preferred
  • sequelize: just support active record.
  • sequelize-typescript: it enables this option but the class still extends of a superclass so your Person instances still have a lot of persistence attrs and methods.
  • typeorm: yeah <3 awesome support both patterns and is well done, you can extends a super class to get active record or doesn't to get respository enabled with clean class code.
  1. flexible query-mapping system: I want to be able to add custom columns (eg. select sum(id) as count) without loosing the object tree, the result should be { a: { count: 4, bs: [] } }
  • sequelize: the only one who get this done is sequelize (and obviously typescript-sequelize)
  • typeorm: is great but if you want to add a custom column to the select you have to get the raw results loosing the object tree :/
  1. nice query system: the API have to be easy to guess, human readable, easy to learn
  • sequelize: very nice, and very powerful (you can do very complex querys before fall into raw sql). It's not designed to think in sql.
  • typeorm: very nice, an awesome querybuilder similar to knex, very intuitve if you think in sql.
  • knex: very nice.
  1. mature query system: free of simplest bugs
  • sequelize: it have been a lot of time in the market, well done, the result is what i expected.
  • typeorm: it still have simple bugs like "the groupby issue" typeorm/typeorm#4814
  1. simple config
  • sequelize-typescript: i had to make some hacks but it works. To have the models working in tests env i had to write sequelize.models first, so weird.
  • typeorm: yeah! <3 it works as the doc says, no pain.
  1. performance
  • sequelize-typescript: i have used sequelize a year and yes, it generates weird queries but it doesn't seem to write wrong code, i didn't checked the excution plans because i never had a performance problem.
  • typeorm: the generated queries are simpler as possible, it doesn't look bad, same as above i didn't checked the execution plan.
  1. support to the most rdbms as possible, I use to work with mssql and mysql, but i don't want to learn 3 libs
  • sequelize: yep, so sequelize-typescript too
  • typeorm: yep <3
  • others doesn't


I voted for sequelize-typescript because it have the highest scores in the important part mature and flexible querying system, type safe and easy and fast model definition (with @annotations).

I checked there is other very interesting options like photonjs, i will update this when i test it.

May be it's the time to give no-relational db's a chance


With libs like may be you don't need an ORM but it's still neccesary for

  • refactor (if you used some leve of type safe)
  • insert/update with all the attributes. In CRUDS we use to set all the attrs and it would be tedious if we have to set one by one.
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