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Forked from windytan/
Created November 4, 2015 01:28
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whistle encoder
# windytan's pea whistle encoder
use warnings;
use strict;
my $data = $ARGV[0] // "OHAI!";
my $outfile = "whistle.wav";
my $fs = 44100; # sample rate
my $fc = 2600; # whistle pitch
my $bps = 100; # data speed
my $risetime = 0.09; # rise/fall slide duration
my $riseband = 0.7 * $fc; # bandwidth thereof
my $padding = 0.5; # silence before and after, sec
my $f_am = 20; # AM distortion frequency
my $depth_am = 0.18; # AM distortion modulation index
my $signal_gain = dB(0); # overall signal gain
my $noise_gain = dB(12); # overall noise gain post-bandpass
my $noise_shift = 1.0; # noise shift from harmonic (1 = none)
my $lp_alfa_fm = 0.004; # signal pre-fm lopass bandwidth
my $bp_alfa_noise = 0.009; # noise bandpass bandwidth
my $fshift = 0.077 * $fc; # FSK shift
# relative harmonic powers
my @harmonics = (dB(0), dB(-17), dB(-33), dB(-28), dB(-31), dB(-44));
my @noise_harmonics = (dB(0), dB(-1), dB(-2), dB(-3), dB(-4), dB(-6));
$data = "\xAA\xA7" . pack("C", length($data)) . $data;
my $dur = length($data) * 8 / $bps;
my $prev_noise = 0;
my $prev_f = $fc - $riseband;
my $f, my $f_filtered, my $vol;
my $ph_am, my $ph_fm;
open my $stream, '|-', 'sox -t .s16 -c 1 -r ' . $fs . ' - ' . $outfile
or die $!;
binmode($stream) or die $!;
print $stream pcmWord(0) x ($padding * $fs);
for (my $t = 0; $t < $risetime * 2 + $dur; $t += 1/$fs) {
if ($t < $risetime) {
# attack
$f = $fc - $riseband + ($t/$risetime * $riseband);
$vol = $t/$risetime;
$harmonics[0] = ($t < $risetime * .66 ? 0 :
($t-$risetime * .66) / ($risetime * .33));
} elsif ($t > $risetime + $dur) {
# release
$f = $fc - ($t-$dur-$risetime) / $risetime * $riseband;
$vol = dB(0) - ($t-$dur-$risetime) / $risetime;
$harmonics[0] = ($t-$dur-$risetime > $risetime * .33 ? 0 :
dB(0) - ($t-$dur-$risetime) / ($risetime * .33));
} else {
$f = $fc;
$harmonics[0] = dB(0);
my $bit_i = int(($t - $risetime) * $bps);
my $byte = substr($data, int($bit_i / 8), 1);
my $bit = ((unpack("C", $byte) >> ($bit_i % 8)) & 1);
$f = ($bit - .5) * $fshift + $fc;
$vol = dB(0);
$f_filtered = $lp_alfa_fm * $f + (1 - $lp_alfa_fm) * $prev_f;
$prev_f = $f_filtered;
my $noise = rand() - .5;
my $noise_filtered = $bp_alfa_noise * $noise + (1 - $bp_alfa_noise) *
$prev_noise = $noise_filtered;
$ph_fm += phaseInc($f_filtered);
$ph_am += phaseInc($f_am);
my $mix = 0;
for my $n (0..$#harmonics) {
my $sig = $harmonics[$n] * cos(($n + 1) * $ph_fm);
$mix += $signal_gain * $sig * (dB(0) + $depth_am * cos($ph_am));
$mix += $noise_gain * $noise_filtered * $noise_harmonics[$n] *
cos(($n + 1) * ($ph_fm * $noise_shift));
print $stream pcmWord(dB(-14) * $vol * $mix);
print $stream pcmWord(0) x ($padding * $fs);
close $stream;
sub dB { 10 ** ($_[0] / 20); }
sub pcmWord { pack "s", round($_[0] * (2**16) / 2); }
sub phaseInc { 2 * 3.14159 * $_[0] / $fs; }
sub round { $_[0] >= 0 ? int($_[0] + .5) : int($_[0] - .5); }
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