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Created July 29, 2015 06:42
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$vr-font-size: 15px !global;
$vr-line-height: 1.5 !global;
$vr-cap-height: 0.6 !global;
$vr-line-scale: 2 !global;
$vr-grid-unit: $vr-line-height * $vr-font-size / $vr-line-scale !global; // (px)
@function em($px: 0, $font-size: $vr-font-size) {
@return $px / $font-size + em;
@function rem($px: 0) {
@return $px / $vr-font-size + rem;
@function grid-units($q: 1) {
@return rem($q * $vr-grid-unit);
@mixin set-vr-font-size($font-size: $vr-font-size, $line-height: $vr-line-height) {
font-size: $font-size;
line-height: $line-height + rem;
// Display the grid as a background image
@mixin show-baseline($color: rgb(54, 126, 237)) {
background-image: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
$color 0%,
transparent 5%
background-size: 100% rem($vr-grid-unit);
background-position: left top;
// based on a gist by Razvan Onofrei:
// See
// see also
@mixin align-to-baseline($font-size: $vr-font-size, $offset-top: 0, $offset-bottom: 0, $method: 'direction-margins', $scale: $vr-line-scale) {
// integer number of base units that can fit the given font-size
$lines: ceil($font-size / $vr-grid-unit);
// calculate the new line-height
$line-height: $vr-grid-unit * $lines; // (px)
$line-height-ratio: $line-height / $vr-font-size;
// print the results
font-size: rem($font-size);
line-height: rem($line-height);
$baseline-distance: ($line-height-ratio - $vr-cap-height) / $scale * $vr-font-size; // (px)
$offset-top: $offset-top * $vr-grid-unit; // (px)
$offset-bottom: $offset-bottom * $vr-grid-unit; // (px)
@if ($method == 'relatively') {
position: relative;
top: em($baseline-distance + $offset-top);
padding-bottom: em($offset-bottom);
@if ($method == 'direction-margins') {
padding-top: em($baseline-distance + $offset-top);
margin-bottom: em($line-height - $baseline-distance - $vr-grid-unit + $offset-bottom);
@if ($method == 'paddings-only') {
padding-top: em($baseline-distance + $offset-top);
padding-bottom: em($line-height - $baseline-distance - $vr-grid-unit + $offset-bottom);
.show-baseline {
@include show-baseline();
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