※ 2016年11月時点の内容です. 各市町村, 金融機関ごとに規定が異なるので必ず確認してください
- 認印をすぐ買う
- 旧姓・新姓の認印が両方入る印鑑ケースが便利. がま口系が丁度2本収納できる.
- 銀行印は金融機関によって旧姓使用可のところがあるが, 変更した方が良い. 受取は2営業日〜7営業日後.
- 苗字変わる予定がある婿or嫁はもともと認印・銀行印ともに
// 内からコンパレータ | |
struct msg { | |
float res; | |
float x; | |
float y; | |
cv::Vec<float, _LABEL_MAX_NUM_> values; | |
msg() : res(0.0) {}; | |
msg(float res_) : res(res_) {}; | |
msg(int x_, int y_) : res(0.0), x(x_), y(y_) {}; |
※ 2016年11月時点の内容です. 各市町村, 金融機関ごとに規定が異なるので必ず確認してください
// basic | |
float min = *std::min_element(v.begin(),v.end(),[](Type msg1, Type msg2) {return msg1.second > msg2.second }; | |
float sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(),0,[](const int sum, const Type& msg){ return sum + msg.second; }) | |
// index sort | |
template<typename T> | |
std::vector<size_t> sort_index(std::vector<T> const& values) { | |
std::vector<size_t> indices(values.size()); | |
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), static_cast<size_t>(0)); // init index | |
std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), [&](size_t a, size_t b) { return values[a] < values[b]; }); // 昇順? | |
return indices; |
function scholar() { | |
local str opt | |
if [ $# != 0 ]; then # 引数が存在すれば | |
for i in $*; do | |
str="$str+$i" | |
done | |
str=`echo $str | sed 's/^\+//'` #先頭の「+」を削除 | |
opt="scholar?q=${str}" | |
fi | |
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome http://scholar.google.co.jp/$opt #引数がなければ $opt は空になる |
from types import * | |
import xlrd | |
def value2str(val,encoding='cp932'): # or utf-8 | |
if type(val) == FloatType: return str(val) | |
if type(val) == UnicodeType: return val.encode(encoding) | |
if type(val) == StringType: return val | |
raise TypeError("cannot convert '%s' type:%s to string" % (val,type(val))) |
import os | |
from fnmatch import fnmatch | |
def get_fpath_list(dirpath, ext="*.xlsx"): | |
fpath_list = [] | |
for root, dir_list, fname_list in os.walk(dirpath): | |
fpath_list.extend([ os.path.join(root,fname) for fname in fname_list if fnmatch(fname, ext)]) | |
return fpath_list |
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].contentEditable = true; |
/* [wxMaxima batch file version 1] [ DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! ]*/ | |
/* [ Created with wxMaxima version 13.04.2 ] */ | |
/* [wxMaxima: input start ] */ | |
/* | |
get_M(_VARS,_F):=block([X,N,r,c,B,y,coeff,flag], | |
X:_VARS, | |
f:_F, | |
N:length(X), | |
M:[], |
[status, opencv_incdir] = system('pkg-config --cflags opencv'); | |
[status, opencv_ldflags] = system('pkg-config --libs opencv'); | |
opencv_incdir = opencv_incdir(1:end-3) | |
opencv_ldflags = opencv_ldflags(1:end-3) | |
TARGET_FILE='./src/readxml.cpp'; | |
mex_compile_options = sprintf('mex CXX=g++ %s %s %s', opencv_incdir, opencv_ldflags, TARGET_FILE) | |
eval(mex_compile_options) |
linestyles = cellstr(char('-',':','-.','--','-',':','-.','--','-',':','-',':',... | |
'-.','--','-',':','-.','--','-',':','-.')); | |
MarkerEdgeColors=jet(n); % n is the number of different items you have | |
Markers=['o','x','+','*','s','d','v','^','<','>','p','h','.',... | |
'+','*','o','x','^','<','h','.','>','p','s','d','v',... | |
'o','x','+','*','s','d','v','^','<','>','p','h','.']; | |
% [...] | |