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Created July 24, 2021 07:33
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Nuxt VSCode Snippet
"Nuxt Class Component": {
"prefix": "vue-component-class-ts",
"body": [
" <div></div>",
"<script lang=\"ts\">",
"import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'",
"export default class ${1:VueComponent} extends Vue {",
" //",
"description": "NuxtJS Typescript Class Component"
"Nuxt Page": {
"prefix": "vue-page-class-ts",
"body": [
" <div></div>",
"<script lang=\"ts\">",
"import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'",
"import PagePropertyMixin from '~/mixin/pageProperty'",
"export default class ${1:VueComponent} extends extends Mixins(PagePropertyMixin) {",
" //",
"description": "NuxtJS Typescript Class Page"
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