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Created July 6, 2024 09:30
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GitLab: A Python Script Displaying Latest Pipelines in a Group's Projects
# Display, in console, latest pipelines from each project in a given group
# python --group-id=8784450 [--watch] [--token=$GITLAB_TOKEN] [] [--exclude='TPs Benoit C,whatever'] [--stages-width=30]
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
import os
import pytz
import requests
import sys
import unicodedata
class Color(Enum):
GREEN = "\033[92m"
GREY = "\033[90m"
CYAN = "\033[96m"
RED = "\033[91m"
YELLOW = "\033[93m"
BLUE = "\033[94m"
RESET = "\033[0m"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Retrieve GitLab pipeline data for projects in a group')
parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, default="", help='Hostname of the GitLab instance')
parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, default=None, help='GitLab API access token (default: $GITLAB_TOKEN (exported) environment variable)')
parser.add_argument('--group-id', type=int, help='ID of the group to retrieve projects from')
parser.add_argument('--exclude', type=str, default="", help='Comma-separated list of project names to exclude (default: none)')
parser.add_argument('--watch', action='store_true', help='Run indefinitely while refreshing output')
parser.add_argument('--stages-width', type=int, default=42, help='Width for stages display (default: 42)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.token is None:
args.token = os.getenv('GITLAB_TOKEN', 'NONE')
headers = {"Private-Token": args.token}
projects_url = f"https://{}/api/v4/groups/{args.group_id}/projects?include_subgroups=true&simple=true"
def print_or_gather(output, text):
def count_emoji(text):
"""Count the number of emojis in the input text."""
custom_lengths = {
"\U0001F3D7": 0, # Construction sign πŸ—οΈ
# Add more special characters as needed.
count = 0
for char in text:
if unicodedata.category(char).startswith('So'):
if char in custom_lengths:
count += custom_lengths[char]
count += 1
return count
def fetch_pipelines():
response = requests.get(projects_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"\n{Color.RED.value}Failed to call GitLab instance: {response.json()}{Color.RESET.value}")
projects = response.json()
pipeline_data = {}
no_pipelines_projects = []
excluded_projects = set(args.exclude.split(','))
output = []
for project in projects:
if project["name"] in excluded_projects:
pipeline_url = f"{project['id']}/pipelines?per_page=1&sort=desc&order_by=id"
response = requests.get(pipeline_url, headers=headers)
if not response.json():
pipeline = response.json()[0]
updated_time = datetime.strptime(pipeline["updated_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris'))
updated_at_human_readable = updated_time.strftime("%d %b %Y at %H:%M:%S")
time_diff = - updated_time
delta = time_diff.total_seconds()
if delta < 120:
updated_ago = f'{int(delta)} seconds'
elif delta < 7200: # 2 hours in seconds
updated_ago = f'{int(delta / 60)} minutes'
elif delta < 172800: # 2 days in seconds
updated_ago = f'{int(delta / 3600)} hours'
updated_ago = f'{int(delta / 86400)} days'
match pipeline["status"]:
case "success":
color = Color.GREEN
case "created" | "waiting_for_resource" | "preparing" | "pending" | "canceled" | "skipped" | "manual":
color = Color.GREY
case "running":
color = Color.BLUE
case "failed":
color = Color.RED
print_or_gather(output,f"\n↓ {color.value}{project['name']} for {pipeline['ref']} : {pipeline['status']} (since {updated_at_human_readable}, {updated_ago} ago){Color.RESET.value}")
job_data = {}
jobs_url = f"{project['id']}/pipelines/{pipeline['id']}/jobs"
response = requests.get(jobs_url, headers=headers)
jobs = response.json()
for job in list(reversed(jobs)):
job_name = job["name"]
stage = job["stage"]
job_status = job["status"]
match (job_status, pipeline["status"]):
case ("success", _):
emoji = "🟒"
job_color = Color.GREEN
case ("running", _):
emoji = "πŸ”΅"
job_color = Color.BLUE
case ("pending" | "created", _):
emoji = "πŸ”˜"
job_color = Color.NO_CHANGE
case ("skipped" | "canceled", _):
emoji = "πŸ”˜"
job_color = Color.GREY
case ("warning", _):
emoji = "🟠"
job_color = Color.YELLOW
case ("manual", _):
emoji = "▢️"
job_color = Color.NO_CHANGE
case ("failed", "success"):
emoji = "🟠"
job_color = Color.YELLOW
case ("failed", _):
emoji = "πŸ”΄"
job_color = Color.RED
case (_, _):
if stage not in job_data:
job_data[stage] = []
job_data[stage].append((job_name, job_status, job_color, emoji))
# Sort jobs within each stage alphabetically by job name
for stage in job_data:
job_data[stage].sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Find the maximum number of jobs in any stage for this pipeline
max_jobs = max(len(jobs) for jobs in job_data.values())
lines = [" "] * (max_jobs + 1)
lines[0] = "" # stages start with a border character instead of a space
# Print out the job data for each stage, padding to make all stages content the same length
for stage, jobs in job_data.items():
stage = "[ "+stage+" ]"
lines[0] = f"{lines[0]}β•”{ - 3 - count_emoji(stage), '═').upper()}β•— "
for i, (job_name, job_status, job_color, emoji) in enumerate(jobs, start=1):
# emojis in job names make this exercise a bit more difficult: ljust make them expand the size, so we compensate
lines[i] = f"{lines[i]}{emoji} {job_color.value}{job_name[:args.stages_width - 6 - count_emoji(job_name)].ljust(args.stages_width - 3 - count_emoji(job_name))}{Color.RESET.value}"
for j in range(len(jobs) + 1, max_jobs + 1):
lines[j] = lines[j] + " ".ljust(args.stages_width)
for line in lines:
if no_pipelines_projects:
print_or_gather(output,f"\n\033[90mProjects without pipeline: {', '.join(no_pipelines_projects)}\033[0m")
return "\n".join(output)
while True:
output = fetch_pipelines()
sys.stdout.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") # Clear the screen
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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