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Last active November 20, 2017 09:22
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/// The iterator for `LazyCycleSequence`.
public struct LazyCycleIterator <BaseSequence: Sequence>: IteratorProtocol {
public typealias Element = BaseSequence.Iterator.Element
private let baseSequence: BaseSequence
private var baseIterator: BaseSequence.Iterator
internal init (_ baseSequence: BaseSequence) {
self.baseSequence = baseSequence
self.baseIterator = self.baseSequence.makeIterator()
public mutating func next () -> Element? {
var next =
if next == nil {
self.baseIterator = self.baseSequence.makeIterator()
next =
return next
/// A lazily evaluated `Sequence` that infinitely repeats the elements of the base `Sequence`.
/// - Attention: To create an instance of `LazyCycleSequence`, use the `cycle` property.
public struct LazyCycleSequence <BaseSequence: Sequence>: LazySequenceProtocol {
public typealias Iterator = LazyCycleIterator<BaseSequence>
public typealias Element = Iterator.Element
internal let baseSequence: BaseSequence
internal init (_ baseSequence: BaseSequence) {
self.baseSequence = baseSequence
public func makeIterator () -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self.baseSequence)
public extension LazyCycleSequence {
/// Creates a lazily evaluated Sequence that infinitely repeats the elements of the base Sequence.
/// print(Array([0, 1, 2].cycle.prefix(4)))
/// // [0, 1, 2, 0]
var cycle: LazyCycleSequence {
return LazyCycleSequence(self.baseSequence)
public extension LazySequence {
/// Creates a lazily evaluated Sequence that infinitely repeats the elements of the base Sequence.
/// print(Array([0, 1, 2].cycle.prefix(4)))
/// // [0, 1, 2, 0]
var cycle: LazyCycleSequence<Elements> {
return LazyCycleSequence(self.elements)
public extension Sequence {
/// Creates a lazily evaluated Sequence that infinitely repeats the elements of the base Sequence.
/// print(Array([0, 1, 2].cycle.prefix(4)))
/// // [0, 1, 2, 0]
var cycle: LazyCycleSequence<Self> {
return LazyCycleSequence(self)
import XCTest
@testable import SequenceExtensions
/// - Note: Since `cycle` is a newly defined property without any overloads we only check the type and value for the
/// base `Sequence`.
class CycleTests: XCTestCase {
let baseSequence = sequence(first: 0, next: {
if $0 < 2 {
return $0 + 1
return nil
typealias BaseSequence = UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int?, Bool)>
func testShouldReturnCorrectType () {
XCTAssertTrue(type(of: self.baseSequence.cycle) == LazyCycleSequence<BaseSequence>.self)
func testShouldReturnCorrectValue () {
XCTAssertEqual(Array(self.baseSequence.cycle.prefix(0)), [])
XCTAssertEqual(Array(self.baseSequence.cycle.prefix(1)), [0])
XCTAssertEqual(Array(self.baseSequence.cycle.prefix(4)), [0, 1, 2, 0])
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