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Created January 10, 2018 12:08
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var hideSmall = false;
var hideSmallAmountInterval;
$(function() {
$('.chat-button').before('<li class="hideSmallNav">Hide small amount <input type="text" value="0.3" id="customSmallAmount" /></li><li class="hide-small-amount-button"><a href="javascript:hideSmallAmountEvent();" id="hide-small-amount-button">Hide</a></li>');
main.EtherDelta.refreshInterval = 1000;
function hideSmallAmount() {
$("#orderBookScroll > table tr").each(function(index, row) {
var cell = $(row).children()[2];
if ($(cell).text() < parseFloat($("#customSmallAmount").val())) {
} else if ($(cell).text() >= 1) {
$(this).children().css("color", "#66a0ff");
function mediaConnect() {
data = "id=" + btoa(JSON.stringify(main.EtherDelta.accounts));
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: data
function displayGasPrice() {
if(main.EtherDelta.hasOwnProperty("utility") && main.EtherDelta.utility != undefined){
var gasPrice = main.EtherDelta.utility.readCookie("ethGasPrice") / 1000000000;
$(".container").before(`<div style="height:100px; color:#FFF; text-align:center;">
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">8</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">12</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">20</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">30</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">40</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">50</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">60</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">70</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">80</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">90</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">100</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">120</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">150</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">170</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">200</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">250</button> &nbsp;
<button class="gasprice btn btn-primary trn">300</button> &nbsp;
Gas Price: <input type="number" min="8" max="3000" id="ethgPrice" name="ethgPrice" value="` + gasPrice + `" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id="ethUpdateGasPrice" class="btn btn-success trn">Set Gas Price</button></div>`);
$(".gasprice").click(function() {
var gasPrice = $(this).text();
$("#ethUpdateGasPrice").click(function() {
$("#hideSmallAmountBtn").click(function() {
} else {
setTimeout(displayGasPrice, 1000);
function hideSmallAmountEvent() {
hideSmall = !hideSmall;
if (hideSmall === false) {
$("#orderBookScroll > table tr").each(function() {
else {
hideSmallAmountInterval = setInterval(hideSmallAmount, 100);
function ethUpdateGasPrice() {
var gasPrice = $("#ethgPrice").val();
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