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Last active March 7, 2018 07:03
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Simple method definition and execution with detailed comments on browser and engine behavior. Anything missing or incorrect in the comment breakdown?
function makeBackgroundBlack() { = '#000000';
- browser parses html
- browser sees <script> - blocks (and downloads if src attr)
- browser starts engine
- engine compiles script
- engine executes script
- stack frame added - main()
- read
- code found
- scan statement (function declaration)
- evaluate statement
- function keyword recognized
- function is named
- update heap - makeBackgroundBlack = function() { = '#000000'; }
- read
- code found
- scan statement (function expression)
- evaluate statement
- identifier 'makeBackgroundBlack' found
- get identifier value
- look in stack - not found
- look in heap - found
- value found
- stack frame added - makeBackgroundBlack()
- read
- code found
- scan statement (assignment expression)
- evaluate statement
- '#000000' value stored in frame
- identifier 'document' found
- get identifier value
- look in stack - not found
- look in heap - found
- value found
- get nested identifer value (body > style > backgroundColor)
- value found
- assign stored frame value of '#000000' to identifier
- stack frame removed - makeBackgroundBlack()
- stack frame removed - main()
- event loop start
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