W3C - The button element
- Style
- State management - Things like selected/pressed/focused
- Style!
- Accessibility - Things like aria states & properties
- Style!!
- Y.Button proposal
- Y.Button pull request (discussion)
- Y.ButtonGroup proposal
- button.on() vs button.getNode().on() discussion
- JSFiddle - cssbutton
- JSFiddle - Y.Button
- Docs
- Docs - Simple Button
- Docs - CSS Button
- generator.html - A button generator
- image.html - An image button example
- icon.html - A button with icon example
- keyboard.html - A virtual keyboard
For me the menu-button from yui 2 is the biggest miss right now. Another "button" that I created in the library is the gallery-slidecheckbox. It's not visually a button but on the iPhone this is what a button looks like.