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Last active October 25, 2017 03:25
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Proposed: ESLint Config
const OFF = 0;
const WARN = 1;
const ERROR = 2;
module.exports = {
'env': {
'browser': true,
'es6': true,
'node': true,
'mocha': true,
'jquery': true
'parser': 'babel-eslint',
'parserOptions': {
'ecmaFeatures': {
'jsx': true
'sourceType': 'module'
'plugins': [
'extends': [
'globals': {
'_': false,
'autoprefixer': false,
'io': false,
'path': false
'root': true,
'rules': {
'comma-dangle': [ERROR, { // `airbnb` defaults to ERROR
'arrays': 'always-multiline',
'objects': 'always-multiline',
'imports': 'always-multiline',
'exports': 'always-multiline',
'functions': 'ignore' // this prevents "ESLint Autofix" from ADDING comas. Once we upgrade Node to support trailing commas in parameters we can eliminate this.
'react/sort-comp': [
order: [
groups: {
typing: [
events: [
rendering: [
'settings': {
'flowtype': {
onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation: true
'import/resolver': {
webpack: [
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