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Last active August 30, 2018 23:50
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Redact qualtrics workerId and IPAddress from data
# Author: Derek Powell
# Date: 8/30/18, 4:49 PM
# ---
# Script to redact workerIds and ip addresses from qualtrics files.
# Script looks for "date_private/" directory, saves resulting data in "data" directory.
# Personal info is replaced with a "hash" using xxhash64,
# a super fast hash algo w/ short resulting hashes (confirmed appropriate for this use)
currentDir <- getwd()
make_salted <- function(x) {
paste0(x, "mySuperSecretSalt") # arbitrary "salt" (optional)
make_hash <- function(x){
x <- make_salted(x)
xxhash <- partial(digest, algo="xxhash64")
sapply(x, xxhash)
parent_directory <- function(dirString) {
ind <- as.numeric(gregexpr("/",dirString)[[1]])
# privateDirs <- paste0(currentDir,"/Data_private/")
privateDirList <- list.files(path=currentDir, pattern="/*_private", recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)
for (d in privateDirList) {
privateDir <- paste0(currentDir,"/",d)
workingDir <- parent_directory(privateDir)
fileList <- list.files(privateDir, pattern="*.csv")
for (f in fileList) {
inFile <- paste0(privateDir, "/",f)
df <- read.csv(inFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("workerId" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df %>% mutate(workerId=make_hash(workerId))
print(paste(f,"--- workerId variable redacted"))
else {print(paste(f, "--- no workerId variable present"))}
if ("IPAddress" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df %>% mutate(IPAddress=make_hash(IPAddress))
print(paste(f,"--- IPAddress variable redacted"))
else {print(paste(f, "--- no IPAddress variable present"))}
if ("LocationLatitude" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df %>% mutate(LocationLatitude = round(as.numeric(LocationLatitude),2))
print(paste(f,"--- LocationLatitude variable rounded"))
else {print(paste(f, "--- no LocationLatitude variable present"))}
if ("LocationLongitude" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df %>% mutate(LocationLongitude = round(as.numeric(LocationLongitude),2))
print(paste(f,"--- LocationLongitude variable rounded"))
else {print(paste(f, "--- no LocationLongitude variable present"))}
if (!"Data" %in% list.files(workingDir)) {
outFile <- paste0(workingDir,"/data/", f)
write.csv(df, file=outFile)
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derekpowell commented Feb 10, 2018

Script to Anonymize Data

This is a script for anonymizing anonymize data inside a project before pushing to github. The script redact.R searches recursively for any folders matching /*_private, takes any .csv files it finds in those folders and hashes "workerId" data and "IPAddress" data fields. The resulting anonymized data is then saved in a /Data folder at the same level of the directory structure as the corresponding *_private folder. If the /Data folder doesn't exist at that level of the hierarchy, it is created.

The script assumes those variable names based on the default Qualtrics .csv output.

A .gitignore file ensures any private folders and the redact.R are not comitted to git and won't make their way to github.

Here's a sample directory structure before running redact.R:

|-- data
|-- data_private
|   `-- some_data_file.csv
|-- subDirectory
|   `-- data_private
|       `-- another_data_file.csv
`-- redact.R

And here's that same structure after running redact.R:

|-- data
|   `-- some_data_file.csv
|-- data_private
|   `-- some_data_file.csv
|-- subDirectory
|   |-- data
|   |   `-- another_data_file.csv
|   `-- data_private
|       `-- another_data_file.csv
`-- redact.R

Finally, here's what you need to have in the .gitignore:

# Private directories

# script to obscure workerIds and ip addresses

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