function initMyBookmarklet() { |
(window.myBookmarklet = function() { |
// blow away customizations to underscore template parsing (eg 500px) |
_.templateSettings.interpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g |
_.templateSettings.evaluate = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g |
// TODO: simplify state handling on multiple-clicks of bookmarklet |
RuleOfThirds.stateMachine.advance(); |
})(); |
} |
// inspired by http://lamehacks.net/blog/implementing-a-state-machine-in-javascript/ |
RuleOfThirds = window.RuleOfThirds || {} |
RuleOfThirds.stateMachine = RuleOfThirds.stateMachine || new (function (){ |
states = [ |
{ name:'OFF', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'GRID_THIRDS', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); // unnecessary due to order of state advance() |
createOverlays(function(width, height) { return getSVGOverlayThirdsGrid(width, height, "GRID_THIRDS")} ); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'GRID_PHI', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); // unnecessary due to order of state advance() |
createOverlays(function(width, height) { return getSVGOverlayThirdsGrid(width, height, "GRID_PHI")} ); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'TRIANGLES', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); // unnecessary due to order of state advance() |
createOverlays(function(width, height) { return getSVGOverlayThirdsGrid(width, height, "TRIANGLES")} ); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'TRIANGLES_90', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); // unnecessary due to order of state advance() |
createOverlays(function(width, height) { return getSVGOverlayThirdsGrid(width, height, "TRIANGLES_90")} ); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'SPIRAL_0', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); |
createOverlays(function(width,height,degrees) { return getSVGOverlaySpiral(width, height, "SPIRAL_0"); }); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'SPIRAL_90', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); |
createOverlays(function(width,height,degrees) { return getSVGOverlaySpiral(width, height, "SPIRAL_90"); }); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'SPIRAL_180', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); |
createOverlays(function(width,height,degrees) { return getSVGOverlaySpiral(width, height, "SPIRAL_180"); }); |
} |
}, |
{ name:'SPIRAL_270', |
onEnter: function() { |
removeOverlays(); |
createOverlays(function(width,height,degrees) { return getSVGOverlaySpiral(width, height, "SPIRAL_270"); }); |
} |
} |
]; |
this.currentState = states[0]; |
this.advance = function(){ |
this.currentState = states[(states.indexOf(this.currentState) + 1) % states.length]; |
this.currentState.onEnter(); |
} |
})(); |
/* |
* Removes RuleOfThirds overlays. |
*/ |
function removeOverlays() { |
if (jQuery('.rule-of-thirds').remove().length) { |
jQuery('.rule-of-thirds-wrapper > img').unwrap(); |
} |
} |
function createOverlays(overlayFactory) { |
jQuery('img').each(function(){ |
window.el = jQuery(this); |
var el = jQuery(this), |
w = el.width(), |
h = el.height(), |
src = el.attr('src') || "", |
useWrapper = (el.siblings().length == 0) && (el.offsetParent().width() == w) |
//skip small or invisible images |
if (!el.is(':visible') || w < 100 || h < 100) { |
return; |
} |
window.overlay = jQuery('<div />') |
.addClass('rule-of-thirds') |
.css( { |
'position': 'absolute', |
'pointer-events':'none', |
'width': w, |
'height': h, |
}) |
.attr('rel',src || "" ) // "undefined" chokes .attr; http://bit.ly/134P0C9 |
.append(overlayFactory(w,h)) |
// .append(getCanvasOverlay(w,h)) |
if (useWrapper) { // should be fairly harmless; fixes pinterest zoom |
var wrapper = jQuery('<div />') |
.addClass('rule-of-thirds-wrapper') |
.css({ |
'position':'relative', |
'display' : 'inline-block', //fixes super-long pins eg http://pinterest.com/pin/552113235537700759/ |
'text-align' : 'center', |
}) |
.appendTo(el.parent()) |
.append(el) |
.append(overlay); |
overlay.css({ |
'width' : '100%', |
'height' : '100%', |
'top': '0px', |
'left': '0px', |
}); |
} else { |
overlay.insertAfter(el); |
//XXX: why does overlay.position need to be run twice on http://bl.ocks.org/4331769 |
// console.log("img offset", el.position()); |
// console.log("overlay offset", overlay.position()); |
overlay.position({"of": el, at: "center"}); |
// console.log("overlay offset", overlay.position()); |
overlay.position({"of": el, at: "center"}); |
// console.log("overlay offset", overlay.position()); |
} |
}); |
} |
//from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fibonacci_spiral.svg |
// according to lightroom this is the vertical orientation. |
// for horizontal images, need to rotate 90 degrees CW |
function getSVGOverlaySpiralTemplate() { |
var svg = '<svg\ |
xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"\ |
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"\ |
xmlns:cc="http://web.resource.org/cc/"\ |
xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"\ |
xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"\ |
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"\ |
xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd"\ |
xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape"\ |
id="svg2"\ |
sodipodi:version="0.32"\ |
inkscape:version="0.44"\ |
version="1.0"\ |
viewbox="<%= viewbox %>"\ |
preserveAspectRatio="none"\ |
sodipodi:docname="Fibonacci_spiral.svg">\ |
<defs>\ |
<g id="spiral" >\ |
<path id="path1873" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"\ |
sodipodi:cx="337.94031" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:ry="281.75464"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:start="3.1415927" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:open="true"\ |
transform="matrix(2.022351,0,0,2.164687,-73.02346,-4485.255)"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path1875" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
transform="matrix(-1.247009,0,0,1.334775,1031.657,-2765.459)"\ |
sodipodi:open="true" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:start="3.1415927"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"\ |
sodipodi:ry="281.75464" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:cx="337.94031"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2762" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
sodipodi:cx="337.94031" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:ry="281.75464"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:start="3.1415927" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:open="true"\ |
transform="matrix(0,-0.770297,-0.824511,0,2694.923,636.9008)"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2764" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
transform="matrix(0.473354,0,0,-0.50667,594.0855,1658.848)"\ |
sodipodi:open="true" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:start="3.1415927"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:ry="281.75464" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:cx="337.94031"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2766" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
sodipodi:cx="337.94031" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:ry="281.75464"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:start="3.1415927" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:open="true"\ |
transform="matrix(0.290281,0,0,0.310712,600.7412,-265.2473)"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2768" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
transform="matrix(-0.181793,0,0,0.194589,760.2218,-24.60904)"\ |
sodipodi:open="true" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:start="3.1415927"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:ry="281.75464" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:cx="337.94031"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2770" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
sodipodi:cx="337.94031" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:ry="281.75464"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:start="3.1415927" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:open="true"\ |
transform="matrix(-0.109629,0,0,-0.117346,757.5983,709.0538)"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path id="path2772" sodipodi:type="arc"\ |
transform="matrix(6.725143e-2,0,0,-7.198541e-2,697.9484,615.0548)"\ |
sodipodi:open="true" sodipodi:end="4.712389" sodipodi:start="3.1415927"\ |
d="M 36.355438,2354.0146 A 301.58487,281.75464 0 0 1 337.94031,2072.26"\ |
sodipodi:ry="281.75464" sodipodi:rx="301.58487" sodipodi:cy="2354.0146" sodipodi:cx="337.94031"\ |
vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"\ />\ |
</g>\ |
<g id="rectangles">\ |
<path d="M 754.24901,466.52217 L 610.30258,466.52217" id="rect2800" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path d="M 754.24901,377.48564 L 754.24901,610.4945" id="rect2802" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path d="M 610.30252,377.48564 L 987.15967,377.48564" id="rect2804" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<path d="M 610.30252,610.49292 L 610.30252,0.50000006" id="rect2806" sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
</g>\ |
</defs>\ |
<% _.each(transform, function(t) { %>\ |
<g id="drawing" transform="<%= t %>">\ |
<% }); %>\ |
<use xlink:href="#rectangles" style="vector-effect:none; stroke: grey; stroke-width: 4;"/>\ |
<use xlink:href="#rectangles" style="vector-effect:none; stroke: white; stroke-width: 2;"/>\ |
<use xlink:href="#spiral" style="fill:none; stroke: grey; stroke-width: 4;" />\ |
<use xlink:href="#spiral" style="fill:none; stroke: white; stroke-width: 2;" />\ |
<% _.each(transform, function(t) { %>\ |
</g>\ |
<% }); %>\ |
</svg>'; |
return svg; |
} |
function getSVGOverlaySpiral(width, height, type) { |
//corresponds to values hardcoded in SVG template |
var viewboxWidth = 987.6, |
viewboxHeight = 611, |
viewbox = [0, 0, viewboxWidth, viewboxHeight].join(','), |
// rotation |
needsRotation = (width < height), |
viewboxCenterX = viewboxWidth / 2, |
viewboxCenterY = viewboxHeight / 2, |
rotationTransform = 'rotate(' + [90, viewboxCenterX, viewboxCenterY].join(",") + ')', |
// after rotating around (W/2,H/2), recenter around (H/2,W/2) |
translateX = viewboxCenterY - viewboxCenterX, |
translateY = viewboxCenterX - viewboxCenterY; |
translationTransform = 'translate(' + translateX + ',' + translateY + ')'; |
// from http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/svg-developers/message/14903 |
var transformations = []; |
if (needsRotation) { |
// Note: SVG transformation order is important and counter-intuitive |
transformations.push(translationTransform, rotationTransform); |
viewbox = [0, 0, viewboxHeight, viewboxWidth].join(','); |
} |
switch (type) { |
case "SPIRAL_90": |
var transform = 'matrix(-1,0,0,1,' + viewboxWidth +',0)'; //horizontal flip |
// var transform = 'rotate(90 494 306)'; |
break; |
case "SPIRAL_180": |
var transform = 'matrix(-1,0,0,-1,' + viewboxWidth +',' + viewboxHeight + ')'; // vertical + horizontal flip |
break; |
case "SPIRAL_270": |
var transform = ''; |
var transform = 'matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,' + viewboxHeight + ')'; //horizontal flip |
break; |
case "SPIRAL_0": |
default: |
var transform = ''; |
} |
if (transform) { |
transformations.push(transform); |
} |
var svg = _.template(getSVGOverlaySpiralTemplate(), { |
transform: transformations, |
viewbox: viewbox |
}); |
// because firefox seems to need this; see /tests/svg-viewbox.html |
svg = jQuery(svg).css({ |
width: '100%', |
height: '100%' |
}); |
return svg; |
} |
function getSVGOverlayThirdsGridTemplate() { |
// multiline strings in JS require trailing backslashes |
// including the <?xml tag causes errors, so we remove it |
// var svg = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\ |
var svg = '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\ |
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewbox="<%= viewbox %>" preserveAspectRatio="none">\ |
<% _.each(lines, function(line) { %>\ |
<polyline points="<%= line %>" style="stroke: grey; stroke-width:4;" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<polyline points="<%= line %>" style="stroke: white; stroke-width:2;" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />\ |
<% }); %>\ |
</svg>'; |
return svg; |
} |
function getSVGOverlayThirdsGrid(width, height, type) { |
/* | | |
--+--+-- h1 |
| | |
--+--+-- h2 |
| | |
v1 v2 */ |
switch (type) { |
case "TRIANGLES": |
var w = width, h = height, w_sq = Math.pow(w,2), h_sq = Math.pow(h,2); |
var lines = { |
d1: [0, 0, (h_sq * w)/(w_sq + h_sq), h * w_sq / (w_sq + h_sq)], |
d2: [w - (h_sq * w)/(w_sq + h_sq), h - h * w_sq / (w_sq + h_sq), w, h], |
d3: [0, h, w, 0], |
}; |
break; |
case "TRIANGLES_90": |
var w = width, h = height, w_sq = Math.pow(w,2), h_sq = Math.pow(h,2); |
// vertical axis mirror from TRIANGLES |
var lines = { |
d1: [w, 0, w - (h_sq * w)/(w_sq + h_sq), h * w_sq / (w_sq + h_sq)], |
d2: [(h_sq * w)/(w_sq + h_sq), h - h * w_sq / (w_sq + h_sq), 0, h], |
d3: [0,0,w,h] |
}; |
break; |
case "GRID_PHI": |
var phi = 1.6180339887; |
var v1 = width * (1-(1/phi)), |
v2 = width * (1/phi), |
h1 = height * (1-(1/phi)), |
h2 = height * (1/phi); |
var lines = { |
h1: [0, h1, width, h1], |
h2: [0, h2, width, h2], |
v1: [v1, 0, v1, height], |
v2: [v2, 0, v2, height] |
}; |
break; |
case "GRID_THIRDS": |
default: |
var v1 = width * (1/3), |
v2 = width * (2/3), |
h1 = height * (1/3), |
h2 = height * (2/3); |
var lines = { |
h1: [0, h1, width, h1], |
h2: [0, h2, width, h2], |
v1: [v1, 0, v1, height], |
v2: [v2, 0, v2, height] |
}; |
} |
// inspired by https://github.com/documentcloud/underscore/issues/220 |
function objectMapPreserveKeys(obj,map) { |
return _.reduce(obj, function(memo,v,k) { memo[k] = map(v); return memo; }, {}); |
} |
var svg = _.template(getSVGOverlayThirdsGridTemplate(), { |
viewbox: [0,0,width,height].join(" "), |
lines: _.map(lines, function(v) { return v[0] + "," + v[1] + " " + v[2] + "," + v[3]; }) |
}); |
return jQuery(svg); |
} |
function getCanvasOverlay(width,height){ |
var canvas = jQuery('<canvas />') |
.attr({ |
'width':width, |
'height':height |
}); |
var ctx = canvas[0].getContext('2d'); |
var drawLine = function(line,strokeStyle,lineWidth) { |
var x1 = line[0], |
y1 = line[1], |
x2 = line[2], |
y2 = line[3]; |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; |
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; |
ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); |
ctx.lineTo(x2,y2); |
ctx.stroke(); |
} |
function drawLines(lines,color,size) { |
lines.forEach(function(line) { |
drawLine(line,color,size); |
}); |
} |
/* | | |
--+--+-- h1 |
| | |
--+--+-- h2 |
| | |
v1 v2 */ |
var h1 = [0, height/3, width, height/3], |
h2 = [0, 2*height/3, width, 2*height/3], |
v1 = [width/3, 0, width/3, height], |
v2 = [2*width/3, 0, 2*width/3, height]; |
var lines = [h1,h2,v1,v2]; |
drawLines(lines,'white',12); |
drawLines(lines,'black',4); |
return canvas; |
} |
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if (!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete")) { |
done = true; |
requireDeps(); |
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function requireDeps() { |
function isUndefined(val) { |
return typeof(val) === "undefined"; |
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var needJq = isUndefined(window.jQuery) || jQuery.fn.jquery.match(/^1\.[0-9]+/) <= 1.4, |
needJqUiPosition = isUndefined(window.jQuery) || isUndefined(jQuery.ui) || isUndefined(jQuery.ui.position), |
needUnderscore = isUndefined(window._) || isUndefined(_.template); |
yepnope([{ |
test: needJq, |
yep: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js', |
}, { |
// check for jQuery.ui.position |
test: needJqUiPosition, |
yep: 'https://gist.github.com/raw/4331769/dbfadedd1691b5e5fa006062682bab14390bec52/jquery.ui.position.js' |
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test: needUnderscore, |
yep: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.4.3/underscore-min.js', |
complete: function (url, result, key) { |
initMyBookmarklet(); |
// TODO: makes our jQuery version not clobber pre-existing one (eg for pinterest) |
// jQuery.noConflict(true) doesn't seem to work properly |
} |
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