First create a Vagrantfile:
vagrant init precise64
Then add the following to the new Vagrantfile:
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => <<-EOT
apt-get update
apt-get -y install python-pip
pip install sphinx
# all these packages are necessary, otherwise running "make latexpdf" gives errors
apt-get install -y texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
Note that these latex packages add up to about 1GB of space, and will take 10 minutes (or more) to download. If that's OK, provision the VM:
vagrant up # takes like 10 minutes...
Everything succeed? Then the following will work for a suitably-configured sphinx Makefile:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
make latexpdf # assumes you have a sphinx compatible Makefile which has been customized to support latexpdf
I can't find file
ptmr8t'.` : means missing package texlive-fonts-recommendedtitlesec.sty not found
: means missing package texlive-latex-extra"LaTeX Error: "cmap.sty" not found"
: missing package texlive-latex-recommended
- consider installing from PPA: