HTMLOutline bookmarklet. For use with
HTMLOutline bookmarklet. For use with
(function() { | |
/*____BEGIN_OPTIONS____*/ | |
var numbering = 0001, linkColor = '', clickOutside = true, showDetails = false; | |
/*_____END_OPTIONS_____*/ | |
/*_____BEGIN_CSS_____*/ | |
var CSSRules = [ | |
// CSS reset (except: text-rendering, link color) | |
// directional properties should not be reset, but no browser implements | |
// the abstractions of the CSS3 writing mode module | |
// and not setting direction:ltr breaks the layout... | |
"#h5o-outside,#h5o-outside *{\ | |
background-color:transparent;\ | |
border:none;\ | |
border-radius:0;\ | |
bottom:auto;\ | |
box-shadow:none;\ | |
box-sizing:content-box;\ | |
clear:none;\ | |
" + (linkColor ? "color:" + linkColor + ";" : "") + "\ | |
cursor:auto;\ | |
direction:ltr;\ | |
float:none;\ | |
font-family:sans-serif;\ | |
font-size:small;\ | |
font-stretch:normal;\ | |
font-style:normal;\ | |
font-variant:normal;\ | |
font-weight:normal;\ | |
height:auto;\ | |
left:auto;\ | |
letter-spacing:normal;\ | |
line-height:normal;\ | |
margin:0;\ | |
opacity:1;\ | |
outline:none;\ | |
overflow:visible;\ | |
padding:0;\ | |
position:static;\ | |
right:auto;\ | |
text-align:left;\ | |
text-decoration:none;\ | |
text-indent:0;\ | |
text-overflow:clip;\ | |
text-shadow:none;\ | |
text-transform:none;\ | |
top:auto;\ | |
vertical-align:baseline;\ | |
visibility:visible;\ | |
white-space:normal;\ | |
width:auto;\ | |
word-break:normal;\ | |
word-spacing:normal;\ | |
word-wrap:normal;\ | |
zoom:normal;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside *:not([href]){\ | |
color:black;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-outside{\ | |
background-color:transparent;\ | |
box-sizing:border-box;\ | |
display:block;\ | |
height:100%;\ | |
padding:10px;\ | |
pointer-events:none;\ | |
position:fixed;\ | |
right:0px;\ | |
top:0px;\ | |
max-width:500px;\ | |
z-index:2147483647;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside{\ | |
background-color:white;\ | |
border:2px solid black;\ | |
box-sizing:border-box;\ | |
display:block;\ | |
max-width:100%;\ | |
max-height:100%;\ | |
opacity:.9;\ | |
overflow:auto;\ | |
padding:10px;\ | |
pointer-events:auto;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside ol{\ | |
counter-reset:li;\ | |
display:block;\ | |
margin:0;\ | |
padding:0;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside li{\ | |
counter-increment:li;\ | |
display:list-item;\ | |
list-style-type:none;\ | |
margin-left:" + (numbering === 2 ? "2em" : "1.5em") + ";\ | |
position:relative;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside a{\ | |
display:inline;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside a:hover{\ | |
text-decoration:underline;\ | |
}", | |
"#h5o-inside li.h5o-notitle>a{\ | |
font-style:italic;\ | |
}", | |
]; | |
if(numbering > 0) CSSRules.push("#h5o-inside li::before{\ | |
content:" + (numbering === 2 ? "counters(li,\".\")" : "counter(li)") + "\".\";\ | |
display:block;\ | |
left:-10.5em;\ | |
position:absolute;\ | |
text-align:right;\ | |
width:10em;\ | |
display:block;\ | |
max-width:100%;\ | |
max-height:100%;\ | |
}"); | |
else CSSRules.push("#h5o-inside>ol>li{margin-left:0;}"); | |
/*_____END_CSS_____*/ | |
// This must be global so that event listener can be removed when clicking on bookmarklet again | |
if(!window.h5o_sdWoNJpsAgQGAaf) window.h5o_sdWoNJpsAgQGAaf = function() { | |
document.removeEventListener("click", h5o_sdWoNJpsAgQGAaf, false); | |
document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("h5o-outside")); | |
}; | |
if(document.getElementById("h5o-outside")) { | |
h5o_sdWoNJpsAgQGAaf(); | |
return; | |
} | |
var toc = document.createElement("div"); | | = "h5o-outside"; | |
// Stylesheet | |
var style = document.createElement("style"); | |
toc.appendChild(style); | |
document.body.appendChild(toc); | |
for(var i = 0; i < CSSRules.length; i++) { | |
try { | |
style.sheet.insertRule(CSSRules[i].replace(/;/g, " !important;"), i); | |
} catch(e) {} | |
} | |
var inside = document.createElement("div"); | | = "h5o-inside"; | |
if(clickOutside) { | |
inside.addEventListener("click", function(event) {event.stopPropagation();}, false); | |
document.addEventListener("click", h5o_sdWoNJpsAgQGAaf, false); | |
} | |
// Create outline | |
HTMLOutline(document.body); | |
if(!document.body.sectionList) return; // HTML4 frameset documents | |
inside.appendChild(printOutline(document.body.sectionList)); | |
toc.appendChild(inside); | |
function printOutline(outline) { | |
var ol = document.createElement("ol"); | |
for(var i = 0; i < outline.length; i++) { | |
ol.appendChild(printSection(outline[i])); | |
} | |
return ol; | |
} | |
function printSection(section) { | |
var li = document.createElement("li"); | |
var title = document.createElement("a"); | |
li.appendChild(title); | |
if(section.heading === null || /^[ \r\n\t]*$/.test(section.heading.text)) { | |
li.className = "h5o-notitle"; | |
switch(section.associatedNodes[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { | |
case "body": title.textContent = "Document"; break; | |
case "article": title.textContent = "Article"; break; | |
case "aside": title.textContent = "Aside"; break; | |
case "nav": title.textContent = "Navigation"; break; | |
case "section": title.textContent = "Section"; break; | |
default: title.textContent = "Empty title"; | |
} | |
} else title.textContent = section.heading.text; | |
var node = section.associatedNodes[0]; | |
if(node.sectionType !== 1 && node.sectionType !== 2) node = section.heading; | |
title.href = "#" +; | |
title.addEventListener("click", function(event) { | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
node.scrollIntoView(); | |
}, false); | |
if(showDetails) { | |
var details = ""; | |
if(section.associatedNodes[0].sectionType) details += "<" + section.associatedNodes[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">, "; | |
if(section.heading) details += "rank:−" + (-section.heading.rank) + ", depth:" + section.heading.depth + ", "; | |
details += "#nodes:" + section.associatedNodes.length; | |
title.title = details; | |
} | |
li.appendChild(printOutline(section.childSections)); | |
return li; | |
} | |
// Section class | |
function Section() { | |
this.parentSection = null; | |
this.childSections = []; | |
this.firstChild = null; | |
this.lastChild = null; | |
this.appendChild = function(section) { | |
section.parentSection = this; | |
this.childSections.push(section); | |
if(this.firstChild === null) this.firstChild = section; | |
this.lastChild = section; | |
}; | |
this.heading = null; // heading element associated with the section, if any | |
this.associatedNodes = []; // DOM nodes associated with the section | |
} | |
// Main function | |
function HTMLOutline(root) { | |
// STEP 1 | |
var currentOutlinee = null; // element whose outline is being created | |
// STEP 2 | |
var currentSection = null; // current section | |
// STEP 3 | |
// Minimal stack object | |
var stack = {"lastIndex": -1}; | |
stack.isEmpty = function() { | |
return stack.lastIndex === -1; | |
}; | |
stack.push = function(e) { | |
stack[++stack.lastIndex] = e; | | = e; | |
}; | |
stack.pop = function() { | |
var e =; | |
delete stack[stack.lastIndex--]; | | = stack[stack.lastIndex]; | |
return e; | |
}; | |
// STEP 4 (minus DOM walk which is at the end) | |
function enter(node) { | |
if(isElement(node)) { | |
if(!stack.isEmpty() && (isHeadingElement( || isHidden( { | |
// Do nothing | |
} else if(isHidden(node)) { | |
stack.push(node); | |
} else if(isSectioningContentElement(node) || isSectioningRootElement(node)) { | |
// if(currentOutlinee !== null && currentSection.heading === null) { | |
// Create implied heading | |
// } | |
if(currentOutlinee !== null) stack.push(currentOutlinee); | |
currentOutlinee = node; | |
currentSection = new Section(); | |
associateNodeWithSection(currentOutlinee, currentSection); | |
currentOutlinee.appendSection(currentSection); | |
} else if(currentOutlinee === null) { | |
// Do nothing | |
} else if(isHeadingElement(node)) { | |
if(currentSection.heading === null) currentSection.heading = node; | |
else if(currentOutlinee.lastSection.heading === null || node.rank >= currentOutlinee.lastSection.heading.rank) { | |
currentSection = new Section(); | |
currentSection.heading = node; | |
currentOutlinee.appendSection(currentSection); | |
} else { | |
var candidateSection = currentSection; | |
do { | |
if(node.rank < candidateSection.heading.rank) { | |
currentSection = new Section(); | |
currentSection.heading = node; | |
candidateSection.appendChild(currentSection); | |
break; | |
} | |
var newCandidate = candidateSection.parentSection; | |
candidateSection = newCandidate; | |
} while(true); | |
} | |
stack.push(node); | |
} // else { | |
// Do nothing | |
// } | |
} | |
} | |
function exit(node) { | |
if(isElement(node)) { | |
if(!stack.isEmpty() && node === stack.pop(); | |
else if(!stack.isEmpty() && (isHeadingElement( || isHidden( { | |
// Do nothing | |
} else if(!stack.isEmpty() && isSectioningContentElement(node)) { | |
// if(currentSection.heading === null) { | |
// Create implied heading | |
// } | |
currentOutlinee = stack.pop(); | |
currentSection = currentOutlinee.lastSection; | |
for(var i = 0; i < node.sectionList.length; i++) { | |
currentSection.appendChild(node.sectionList[i]); | |
} | |
} else if(!stack.isEmpty() && isSectioningRootElement(node)) { | |
// if(currentSection.heading === null) { | |
// Create implied heading | |
// } | |
currentOutlinee = stack.pop(); | |
currentSection = currentOutlinee.lastSection; | |
while(currentSection.childSections.length > 0) { | |
currentSection = currentSection.lastChild; | |
} | |
} else if(isSectioningContentElement(node) || isSectioningRootElement(node)) { | |
// if(currentSection.heading === null) { | |
// Create implied heading | |
// } | |
// The algorith says to end the walk here, but that's assuming root is a sectioning element | |
// Instead we reset the algorithm for subsequent top-level sectioning elements | |
currentOutlinee = null; | |
currentSection = null; | |
} // else { | |
// Do nothing | |
// } | |
} | |
if(node.associatedSection === null && currentSection !== null) associateNodeWithSection(node, currentSection); | |
} | |
// STEP 5 | |
// The heading associated to node is node.associatedSection.heading, if any | |
// Now we must make the necessary definitions for the above to make sense | |
function associateNodeWithSection(node, section) { | |
section.associatedNodes.push(node); | |
node.associatedSection = section; | |
} | |
function isElement(node) { | |
return node.nodeType === 1; | |
} | |
function isHidden(node) { | |
return node.hidden; | |
} | |
function isSectioningContentElement(node) { | |
return node.sectionType === 1; | |
} | |
function isSectioningRootElement(node) { | |
return node.sectionType === 2; | |
} | |
function isHeadingElement(node) { | |
return node.rank !== undefined; | |
} | |
function extend(node) { | |
if(node.nodeType === 1) { | |
switch(node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { | |
case "blockquote": case "body": case "details": case "dialog": case "fieldset": case "figure": case "td": | |
extendSectioningRootElement(node); | |
break; | |
case "article": case "aside": case "nav": case "section": | |
extendSectioningContentElement(node); | |
break; | |
case "h1": case "h2": case "h3": case "h4": case "h5": case "h6": | |
extendHeadingElement(node); | |
break; | |
case "hgroup": | |
extendHeadingGroupElement(node); | |
break; | |
default: | |
extendNode(node); | |
} | |
} else extendNode(node); | |
} | |
function extendNode(node) { | |
node.associatedSection = null; | |
} | |
function extendSectioningElement(node) { | |
extendNode(node); | |
node.sectionList = []; | |
node.firstSection = null; | |
node.lastSection = null; | |
node.appendSection = function(section) { | |
this.sectionList.push(section); | |
if(this.firstSection === null) this.firstSection = section; | |
this.lastSection = section; | |
}; | |
} | |
function extendSectioningContentElement(node) { | |
extendSectioningElement(node); | |
node.sectionType = 1; | |
} | |
function extendSectioningRootElement(node) { | |
extendSectioningElement(node); | |
node.sectionType = 2; | |
} | |
function extendHeadingContentElement(node) { | |
extendNode(node); | |
Object.defineProperty(node, "depth", {"get": function() { | |
var section = node.associatedSection; | |
var depth = 1; | |
if(section !== null) { | |
while(section = section.parentSection) ++depth; | |
} | |
return depth; | |
}, "configurable": true, "enumerable": true}); | |
} | |
function extendHeadingElement(node) { | |
extendHeadingContentElement(node); | |
node.rank = -parseInt(node.nodeName.charAt(1)); | |
node.text = node.textContent; | |
} | |
function extendHeadingGroupElement(node) { | |
extendHeadingContentElement(node); | |
for(var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { | |
var h = node.getElementsByTagName("h" + i); | |
if(h.length > 0) { | |
node.rank = -i; | |
node.text = h[0].textContent; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if(node.rank === undefined) { | |
node.rank = -1; | |
node.text = ""; | |
} | |
} | |
// Walk the DOM subtree of root | |
var node = root; | |
start: while(node) { | |
extend(node); | |
enter(node); | |
if(node.firstChild) { | |
node = node.firstChild; | |
continue start; | |
} | |
while(node) { | |
exit(node); | |
if(node === root) break start; | |
if(node.nextSibling) { | |
node = node.nextSibling; | |
continue start; | |
} | |
node = node.parentNode; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
})(); |
{ | |
"name": "Table of contents", | |
"description": "Inject table of contents into current page", | |
"icon": "", | |
"link": "" | |
} |