TigerVNC is the only vnc client that seems to support proxmox's SSL encryption scheme.
If you're willing to install it on your client, run the following:
ssh -L 1234:localhost:1234 mimosa.tree.ewdev.ca -l root -- socat tcp-l:1234,range= exec:"'"qm vncproxy 119"'"
tigervnc localhost:1234
Of course this assumes that you have socat installed on the proxmox server. Note the fancy quoting, which is required for all the programs to receive their args correctly.
Sick of proxmox KVM not working with any clients due to their half-implemented encryption requirements?
With the following, no more password prompts or encryption; NO MORE PUZZLING KEYBOARD LAG!
# setup SSH forward from your laptop:5900 to mimosa's localhost:6017
ssh mimosa.tree.ewdev.ca -L 5900:localhost:6017
# this will make kvm listen on port mimosa's localhost:6017
echo "args: -vnc" >> /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/117.conf
# restart kvm
kvm stop 117; kvm start 117
While the port forwarding is running:
your-vnc-program localhost:6017
- http://doc.opensuse.org/products/draft/SLES/SLES-kvm_sd_draft/cha.qemu.running.html
- http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-kvm-vnc-for-guest-machine/
- https://github.com/proxmox/qemu-server/blob/master/PVE/QemuServer.pm#L2315
- https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Vnc_2.0#Enabling_Vnc_2.0_for_use_with_old_vnc_clients_.28Including_iOS_and_Android.29
ssh -L5900:/var/run/qemu-server/100.vnc <hostname>