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derjohn derjohn

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derjohn / gist:415c8e270e41f7f5312e5be10256f692
Last active November 22, 2024 11:47
FreeNAS TrueNSD FreeBSD Firewall Script
/sbin/ipfw -q -f flush #flush all other rulez
/sbin/ipfw add 10 allow all from me to me
/sbin/ipfw add 20 allow all from to me
/sbin/ipfw add 21 allow all from me to
/sbin/ipfw add 22 allow all from to me
/sbin/ipfw add 23 allow all from me to
/sbin/ipfw add 24 allow all from to me
derjohn / gist:957c8f43fe8247b48e4cd5f6127ff8d0
Last active September 23, 2024 12:16
X11 / Wayland "Type for me" instead of pasting the clipboard. Good for services that don't accept CTRL-V
# Hint: Wayland uses ydotool instead
# FYI: Multiline a special thing, because keyboard do not send the newline style that Linux wants
# To workaround that tr and sed are in place
# I bind that command to shift-alt-N because that's neither occupied by a Windows nor a KDE default hotkey.
xdotool sleep 0.100 type --clearmodifiers -- "$(xsel -bo | tr \\n \\r | sed s/\\r*\$//)"
name: Remote - Müller Lint Tint - Z2M MQTT v1
description: Control lights with a Müller-Lint Tint Switch.
domain: automation
name: Remote mqtt topic
description: This must be the TOPIC from zigbee2mqtt. For example z2m/remote_1
name: Muller Licht Remote (Zigbee2MQTT)
domain: automation
name: Remote mqtt topic
description: This must be the TOPIC from zigbee2mqtt. For example z2m/remote_1
derjohn /
Created September 15, 2023 14:38
Runs unsigned jnlps or those with a weak signature. Like the jviewer kvm shit from supermicro.
javaws -nosecurity -noupdate -verbose -property -property -jnlp ${JNLP}
derjohn / balkongarangensolarparts.txt
Created September 4, 2023 11:02
Balkonsolar bzw. Garagensolar Partslist
Parts List Balkonsolar bzw. Garagendachsolar
1.) Panels
2x Panel 455W DAH
2.) Sicherung + Halter
3.) Einspiesekabel Schuko
derjohn /
Last active November 3, 2023 11:19
Resurrect a Conelcom Controllino Helum Miner that _only_ listens to port 22222/ssh
# This can only be done if the device is accessible via ssh on port 22222.
# (so, usually only Nebra can do that or you have to open the controllino and inject your ssh pubkey to /boot/config.json)
# Obviouly portr 22222 must be reachable from internet, because the management VPN is also stuck
# default looks like
# "os": {
# "sshKeys": [
# "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDKeee0Y4o4QhVudeJ4I8Ol4idvYXlEkzxNrU1DWDkeZ",
# ]
# },
derjohn / gutmann-ego-ehc300-parts
Last active March 13, 2023 12:05
Bauteile EGO Gutmann EHC300
Bauteile EGO Gutmann EHC300
3x IR3101 ( gefunden auf \o/\o/\o/)
1x VIPER17L VIPER17LN VIPER17 Switching Converter IC ( ebay )
Elko 35v 470mf OK
Elko 63v 2.2mf 3x
Elko 25v 220mf OK
Elko 400v 10uf OK
Varistor CV275K14 KEKO 275V AC 350V DC MOV VARISTOR
IEC 60384-14.2 3,3 nF WYO 3n3 M (Ceramic AC Capacitors, Class X1, 440VAC / Class Y2, 250VAC)
derjohn /
Last active December 8, 2022 11:40
u-boot fw_setenv WZR-HP-G300NH OpenWRT
cat /proc/mtd
# dev: size erasesize name
# mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "u-boot"
# mtd1: 00020000 00020000 "u-boot-env"
# mtd2: 01f60000 00020000 "firmware"
# mtd3: 00200000 00020000 "kernel"
# mtd4: 01d60000 00020000 "rootfs"
# mtd5: 01a40000 00020000 "rootfs_data"
# mtd6: 00020000 00020000 "user_property"
# mtd7: 00020000 00020000 "art"
# Virtualmin Package not working on older debian ?
# They packed the .deb with "xz" fragments inside, older debian debs don't understand deb + xz
# Repack them als gzip
# Example webmin-virtual-server_7.2.gpl-1_all.deb for debian wheezy
ar x webmin-virtual-server_7.2.gpl-1_all.deb
xz -d control.tar.xz
xz -d data.tar.xz
gzip control.tar