For setting up laravel on Ubuntu 14.04. Assumes using DO's LEMP image to start.
To start:
- Install and update new software:
- Run
apt-get update
- Run
apt-get install php5-cli php5-mcrypt git
- Run
php5enmod mcrypt
- Run
service php5-fpm restart
- Run
- Remove info.php from the web root; nobody needs to know that much info about our configuration
- If you are running something other than this image, edit
, line ~768 should be changed. We need to ensure that this is set properly:cgi.fix_pathinfo=0
- Run
- Save copy of MySQL root password for personal reference
- Remove /etc/motd.tail
- Edit /etc/adduser.conf, and change directory permissions to 750; we don't want users looking through each others' files
- Add directorie to /etc/skel: .ssh
- Add an empty authorized_keys file, with proper permission sets (700) then you can append to it with scripts
Create a new web account:
- Remove the default site from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/, as we probably will create a user with the script below
- Run the script here to make new users on various domains.
- If you are using laravel, then the web folder should be the folder in your project called 'public'. So you will probably end up with something like /home/account/public_html/public; Where you put it is up to you, but your actual Laravel installation should be outside the user's web root folder.
- Run
chown -R account:account /home/account/site_folder
in order to ensure that the user can write to his files. You must do this to your Laravel project folder to ensure that the storage folder is writable. - Run
service php5-fpm restart
- If you have any SSH keys to add, now is the time
While we're at it make a new administrator account:
- Run
adduser administrator
, be sure to set a password for the user for safety - Add user to sudoers
usermod -a -G sudo administrator
- Add any SSH keys to authorized_keys for this new user
- Log out of the server, log back in as administrator, and ensure that you can use sudo to do root things before continuing!
- Now you can disable the root account's password:
passwd -l root
- Remove all keys from root's authorized_keys file
With this done it is now time to change SSH policy:
- Open
and setPasswordAuthentication no
- in the same file, change to a non-default port (near the top)
- set
PermitRootLogin no
and save the file - Restart the ssh daemon
service ssh restart
, log out, and log in as your new admin on the new port
Working With Laravel 5.0:
You'll need to install composer:
wget -q -O - | php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Ensure you read this
Don't forget:
- Configure your DNS for any applicable subdomains
- Restart the server when you're done to finalize any package installs
Upon completion of this, you should have a new account on a new port that can act as an administrator. Root should have its password locked, and not be able to SSH in. For each new user, they'll need a schema, a db user, and another run of the user create script above.