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Created March 31, 2013 22:43
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Save deryni/5282307 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My version of the self-documenting makefile trick. Haven't used this too thoroughly yet so I'm not sure what I think of it but it seems ok so far. It was built for use in a project that doesn't have a meaningful 'all' target. It would probably want the filter changed back to something more like in the original for use in a more normal project.
# Modified version of
@printf -- "$(HELPTGT)\n$(ETCTGT)\n" | column -t -s :
HELPTGT := --- Primary Targets ---
helptgt = $1$(eval $(if $(filter-out $(.DEFAULT_GOAL),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),,HELPTGT+=\n$(subst %,<name>,$1): - $2))
ETCTGT := --- Extra Targets ---
etctgt = $1$(eval $(if $(filter-out $(.DEFAULT_GOAL),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),,ETCTGT+=\n$1: - $2))
# Usage:
# $(call etctgt,clean,Cleans all build products.):
# @rm -rf build/*
# $(call helptgt,build/%.tar.gz,Generate release tarball.): src/%.c src/%.h
# @tar -czf $@ $^
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