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Last active December 29, 2015 11:28
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  • Save deryni/7663554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deryni/7663554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Find highest known lua version.
# It uses pkg-config to do this, but will fail if you have liblua, but
# not the corresponding interpreter/compiler. Let's say you have liblua5.2
# but want to build with liblua5.1 (for which you have the lib, interpreter
# and compiler), you can override by setting LUA_SUFFIX=5.1 when invoking
# make.
# If successful, sets the following variables:
# * LUA_SUFFIX (unless already set)
# * LUA_LIBS (can be appended to LDFLAGS directly)
# * LUA_INCLUDES (can be appended to CFLAGS directly)
# * LUA (full path to lua interpreter)
# * LUAC (full path to lua compiler)
LUA_SUFFIX ?= $(shell \
for ver in 5.2 5.1 ""; do\
pkg-config --exists lua$$ver && echo "$$ver" && exit;\
LUA_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs $(LUA_PCNAME) 2>/dev/null)
LUA_INCLUDES := $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(LUA_PCNAME) 2>/dev/null)
LUA := $(or $(shell which lua$(LUA_SUFFIX)), $(error No lua$(LUA_SUFFIX) interpreter found!))
LUAC := $(or $(shell which luac$(LUA_SUFFIX)), $(error No lua$(LUA_SUFFIX) compiler found!))
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