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Last active May 15, 2024 22:44
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Bash script for setting up an authenticated Samba share on Debian, automating installation and configuration for easy network sharing.
# Function to prompt for user input
prompt_for_input() {
local prompt="$1"
local variable_name="$2"
local input
while true; do
printf "%s: " "$prompt"
read input
if [[ -z "$input" ]]; then
printf "Input cannot be empty. Please provide a valid input.\n" >&2
eval "$variable_name='$input'"
# Function to install Samba
install_samba() {
if ! dpkg -s samba &>/dev/null; then
printf "Samba not found. Attempting to install Samba...\n"
apt-get update || { printf "Failed to update packages list\n" >&2; return 1; }
apt-get install -y samba || { printf "Failed to install Samba\n" >&2; return 1; }
printf "Samba is already installed.\n"
# Function to add a Samba user
add_samba_user() {
local samba_user="$1"
local samba_password="$2"
# Add the system user without login shell and home directory
useradd -M -s /usr/sbin/nologin "$samba_user" || { printf "Failed to add system user\n" >&2; return 1; }
# Add the user to Samba
(echo "$samba_password"; echo "$samba_password") | smbpasswd -a "$samba_user" || { printf "Failed to add Samba user\n" >&2; return 1; }
smbpasswd -e "$samba_user" || { printf "Failed to enable Samba user\n" >&2; return 1; }
# Function to configure Samba share with authentication
configure_share() {
local share_name="$1"
local share_path="$2"
local samba_user="$3"
local samba_config="/etc/samba/smb.conf"
# Ensure the directory exists
if [[ ! -d "$share_path" ]]; then
printf "Creating directory: %s\n" "$share_path"
mkdir -p "$share_path" || { printf "Failed to create directory: %s\n" "$share_path" >&2; return 1; }
# Adding new share configuration to the smb.conf
printf "\n[%s]\n" "$share_name"
printf " path = %s\n" "$share_path"
printf " valid users = %s\n" "$samba_user"
printf " browsable = yes\n"
printf " writable = yes\n"
printf " read only = no\n"
} >> "$samba_config"
# Change ownership to the Samba user
chown "$samba_user":"$samba_user" "$share_path"
chmod 0770 "$share_path"
printf "Samba configuration added for '%s'.\n" "$share_name"
# Function to restart Samba service
restart_samba() {
printf "Restarting Samba service...\n"
systemctl restart smbd || { printf "Failed to restart Samba service\n" >&2; return 1; }
printf "Samba service restarted successfully.\n"
# Main function to orchestrate steps
main() {
local share_name
local share_path
local samba_user
local samba_password
prompt_for_input "Please enter the Samba share name" "share_name"
prompt_for_input "Please enter the path for the Samba share" "share_path"
prompt_for_input "Please enter the Samba user name" "samba_user"
prompt_for_input "Please enter the Samba user password" "samba_password"
install_samba || return 1
add_samba_user "$samba_user" "$samba_password" || return 1
configure_share "$share_name" "$share_path" "$samba_user" || return 1
restart_samba || return 1
printf "Samba share '%s' at '%s' created and configured with user authentication successfully.\n" "$share_name" "$share_path"
# Execute the main function
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