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Last active January 10, 2020 00:04
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Fastify Handler: Password Scoring with zxcvbn + haveibeenpwned Range Query API
import zxcvbn from 'zxcvbn'
import axios from 'axios'
import crypto from 'crypto'
// Input is first validated via native Fastify JSON-schema declaration
export async function passwordStrengthChecker(req, reply) {
const { password } = req.body
let message, pwned, ok
let { score } = zxcvbn(password)
try {
pwned = await pwnedPassword(password)
ok = true
} catch (err) {
ok = false
pwned = 1
message = err.message
if (pwned) score = 0
reply.send({ ok, score, pwned, message })
const pwnedUrl = p => `${p}`
async function pwnedPassword(pw) {
const hash = Array.from(
await crypto
const prefix = hash.splice(0, 5).join('')
const suffix = hash.join('')
let result = await axios({
url: pwnedUrl(prefix),
method: 'GET',
.then(result =>
.catch(err => { // something done goofed
throw new Error(`Unable to check password pwnage`)
if (!result.includes(suffix)) {
return 0
result = result.split('\r\n')
// Update: realized a hash table wasn't necessary
const match = result.find(r => r.includes(suffix))
const hits = match.split(':')[1]
return +hits
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