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Elle Kosling dev-elle-up

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dev-elle-up /
Last active July 3, 2019 18:08
Capstone Product Plan - Elle

Capstone Product Plan

Personal Learning Goals

  • Working with input from a microphone
  • Working with captured sound in software
  • Experience taking a project all the way from concept to completion; connecting all of the pieces
  • Continuing to learn how to learn new technology and implement it quickly

Problem Statement

When learning to sing or play an instrument, the student must learn how to produce each note and connect that note with its visual representation on a music staff. This is a simpler task with instruments that have many physical keys, such as flute, clarinet, and other woodwinds, but becomes increasingly difficult in brass instruments, fretless string instruments, and voice. I plan to produce a piece of software that will display an image of a music note on a staff to the user and ask the user to play that note. The software will analyze the input and give feedback regarding whether the note they played matches what was displayed.

dev-elle-up /
Last active June 19, 2019 03:27
Capstone Concepts

Capstone Concept - Elle

Problem Statement #1 - Play That Note

When learning to sing or play an instrument, the student must learn how to produce each note and connect that note with its visual representation on a music staff. This is a simpler task with instruments that have many physical keys, such as flute, clarinet, and other woodwinds, but becomes increasingly difficult in brass instruments, fretless string instruments, and voice. I plan to produce a piece of software that will display a image of a music note on a staff to the user and ask the user to play that note. The software will analyze the input and give feedback regarding whether the note they played matches what was displayed.

MVP Feature Set

The minimum viable product will consist of the following features.

  1. Match the note displayed
dev-elle-up /
Last active April 21, 2019 19:55
Elle K - Bio

Elle Kosling

(602) 502-6262 | [email protected]


The tech field demands a unique combination of creativity, technical knowledge, problem solving, tenacity, and great communication skills. That’s me. I thrive when synthesizing disparate knowledge to solve technical problems.

My career in video production offered much of this challenge but after about 15 years, I'd hit a wall. When I started researching options for the next chapter in my life, I came across software development and was inspired by the opportunities to do something that could have real and lasting positive impact.

dev-elle-up /
Last active September 29, 2019 01:42
Elle K - Resume

Elle Kosling

(602) 502-6262 | [email protected]


Javascript, React.js, Ruby, Rails | HTML, CSS, Bootstrap | GraphQL | OAuth | Git & GitHub | Photoshop, Premiere

Test Driven Development, Agile Development, Object-Oriented Design, Pair Programming

dev-elle-up / data-transformation.rb
Last active February 14, 2019 19:43
Exercises from Data Transformations activity
# For each of the following problems, write the code to solve the problem. Each solution should be structured as a method that takes an array as a parameter and returns the result. You should use the Array#each method to solve each problem.
# 1. You are given an array of String objects, stored in a variable called my_strings. You want to use this array to create a new array of Integer objects, which represents the length of each string. We want to store the resulting array in a variable called string_lengths.
my_strings = ["hey there", "this is the second string", "tacos", "good music", "study-group-pairs"]
# your_strings = ["Shamira", "Elle", "Grace"]
# input: string_array <- array of strings