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Created May 5, 2016 19:07
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Detect faces in a local image using the Azure Face API in Python
import json
import urllib
import requests
from pprint import pprint
from os.path import expanduser
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'your-api-key',
params = urllib.urlencode({
'returnFaceId': 'true',
'returnFaceLandmarks': 'false',
'returnFaceAttributes': 'age,gender,headPose,smile,facialHair,glasses',
url = '' % params
img = open(expanduser('~/pictures/clarifai/burning_basmatty.jpg'), 'rb')
response =, data=img, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(
'Request to Azure returned an error %s, the response is:\n%s'
% (response.status_code, response.text)
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