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Created June 26, 2020 09:23
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Protect open backends with Openid/oauth with louketo-openid-proxy

Protect open backends with Openid/oauth with louketo-openid-proxy

louketo-openid-proxy -

Looks like client-id in the token aud is mandatory.

To add Keycloakadmin -> Client -> Mappers -> Create -> mapper type audience -> select client id

docker run --name louketo-openid-proxy -it -d \
  -p 8440:8440 \
  --listen :8440 \
  --upstream-url https://un-protected-backend:8443 \
  --discovery-url<realm name> \
  --client-id oauth-test-client \
  --client-secret ********
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8440/routes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}'
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