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<h1>Heading 1</h1><br /><h2>Heading 2</h2><br /><h3>Heading 3</h3><br /><h4>Heading 4</h4><br /><h5>Heading 5</h5><br /><h6>Heading 6</h6><br /><img src="/content/dam/interactive/ilottery/images/second-chance/sc-hollywood-bg.png" data-assetref="ticket-1701932043069"/><p>Quis ex fugiat dolor fugiat proident anim ipsum aliquip velit id in <a id="anim" href="">Dolore consectetur esse velit</a>. Dolore amet sit ex reprehenderit est exercitation mollit est <b>magna dolore nulla et</b> dolore aliqua non fugiat pariatur aliquip tempor non.</p>\n<p><span style="color: #de350b;">Quis pariatur aliquip cupidatat sunt ea proident et duis nulla.</span><br /><span style="color: #de350b;">Dolor veniam ex consequat eu labore esse tempor magna ea qui:</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li><span style="color: #de350b;">&nbsp;Aliquip proident enim consectetur exercitation nulla cillum</span></li>\n<li><span style="color: #de350b;">Deserunt proident velit pariatur consectetur nostrud Lorem consequat pariatur ut</span></li>
Delete all cache files, you follow this steps:
1. - Fully exit the Microsoft Teams desktop client.
2. delete all files in the locations:
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Application Cache/Cache”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/blob_storage”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Cache”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/databases”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/GPUCache”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/IndexedDB”
“~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Local Storage”
devben /
Last active May 2, 2019 06:24
git delete local branches
git branch --list 'bugfix/*'
git branch -d `git branch --list 'bugfix/*'`
# or
git branch --list 'feature/*'
git branch -d `git branch --list 'feature/*'`
# or for the brave
default = simple
tree = log --graph --full-history --all --color --date=short --pretty=format:\"%Cred%x09%h %Creset%ad%Cblue%d %Creset %s %C(bold)(%an)%Creset\"
co = checkout
s = status
b = branch
cm = commit -m
add-cm = "!git add -A && git commit -m"
p = pull --rebase
devben /
Last active September 21, 2016 16:07 — forked from anonymous/config.json
Bootstrap Customizer Config