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Last active February 15, 2017 18:28
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Create Ubuntu VM with Azure CLI
az login
az group create -n level0 -l westus
az vm create -g level0 -n level0vm --admin-username deploy --image ubuntults
# Sample output
# {
# "fqdns": "",
# "id": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000/resourceGroups/level0/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/level0vm",
# "location": "westus",
# "macAddress": "00-0D-3A-34-D6-EC",
# "powerState": "VM running",
# "privateIpAddress": "",
# "publicIpAddress": "",
# "resourceGroup": "level0"
# }
# open http port
az vm open-port -g level0 -n level0vm --port 80
# Let's see what resources were created within our resource group
az resource list -g level0 -otable
# Sample output
# Name ResourceGroup Location Type Status
# ----------------- --------------- ---------- --------------------------------------- --------
# osdisk_SFKmWrPEL4 LEVEL0 westus Microsoft.Compute/disks
# level0vm level0 westus Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
# level0vmVMNic level0 westus Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
# level0vmNSG level0 westus Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups
# level0vmPublicIP level0 westus Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
# level0vmVNET level0 westus Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
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