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Devin Acker devinacker

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CTK-551 ROM dump (little endian):
CTK-541 service manual (identical PCBs to CTK-551):
CPU: "Casio GT913F", 20-bit address bus, 16-bit data bus
Similar CTK models feature a uPD913 or uPD914, i.e. the GT913F is apparently a rebranded NEC chip.
Instruction set seems to be based on Hitachi H8/300, but with opcodes 5xxx-7xxx rearranged.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Doom map rect-to-polar "circularizer" - by Revenant
Inspired by a blog post by Ribbiks:
from sys import argv
// ==UserScript==
// @name Mastodon timeline thing
// @description keep timeline from automatically scrolling under mouse cursor
// @author @[email protected]
// @version 0.1
// @include*
// @run-at document-idle
// @namespace revenant.mastodon
// ==/UserScript==
stz $4207 ; IRQ at H=0
stz $4208 ; (leave IRQ disable flag set so it only resumes after WAI)
lda #%00010000
sta $4200
devinacker / exomizer-816.asm
Created July 10, 2018 01:13
WIP (sorta) Exomizer decruncher for SNES / 65c816 (with ca65)
.include "libSFX.i"
.feature force_range
.export Decrunch
Exomizer (raw mode) decruncher for 65c816 / ca65.
by Devin Acker (Revenant/RSE), 2018
For use on SNES, and theoretically other 65c816-based platforms.
Quick SDL2 wrapper for uPNG
[email protected]
This code is public domain.
#include "upng/upng.h"
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
devinacker / gist:7a038ceba2d5652b8b7816107f579c7f
Last active September 17, 2018 16:43
Ad blocker filters for keeping some of Twitter's obtrusive garbage off of your timeline[data-card2-type^="promo"][data-component-context^="suggest_activity_tweet"][data-component-context^="suggest_recycled_tweet_inline"]
from __future__ import print_function
import struct
from omg.util import *
class StructMeta(type):
def _get(f):
# Get struct field or default value
def fn(self):
//; "Super Keftendo" 256-byte SNES intro source code
//; by Revenant
//; This is an attempt at implementing the "Kefrens bars" effect on the SNES, using less than
//; 256 bytes of ROM. The technique used here is to set up a 256-color line buffer using
//; Mode 7, then rendering a few pixels directly to CGRAM every scanline and resetting the
//; Y-scroll position to display the same buffer on every visible scanline as it is repeatedly
//; rendered to. Some more information about specific size optimizations are detailed later.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
const char *ui_template = \
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\
<ui version=\"4.0\">\n\
<widget class=\"%s\" name=\"%s\">\n\