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Last active December 26, 2024 13:04
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  • Save devomman/43dfe2bb438ebfddb5c58fb9dbf74dc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fvm command (Flutter Version Manager)


  1. chocolatey Install (Windows) (Read CarefullY If Required)
  2. Brew Install (MacOS) (Read CarefullY If Required)
  3. Powershell in Administration or Terminal User Open with Administration


  1. For Flutter on Windows: "Unable to find git in your PATH" if terminal is not in admin mode Issue
  • any programme run as adminnistrator ex. Android Studio shortcut Run as Administrator

Command in Windows:

  1. Install fvm (Flutter Version Manager) choco install fvm and Accept All
  2. Check flutter Installed Currently fvm list
  3. Check flutter Realeased Versions fvm releases
  4. Install flutter Specific Version fvm install 3.0.0 or fvm install stable or fvm install dev
  5. If Assign flutter Globally fvm global 3.0.0 and copy the flutter path and pest it to enviorment PATH
  6. If Use flutter now ex. `fvm use 3.24.3
  7. Add path in env and For All Users (System Variable): C:\Users\devom\fvm\versions\3.24.3\bin
  8. Verify the PATH Update $env:Path -split ';' and close and exit the terminal
  9. Now check with flutter doctor
  10. Use flutter LOCALLY fvm use 3.0.0 for Create Specific Version Project
  11. If Not Required Flutter fvm remove 3.0.0
  12. Android Studio Goto File > Setting > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK Path: C:\Users\devom\fvm\default
  13. Download and use globally easily and path to andorid studio for switiching to another version

Command in MacOS:

  1. Install fvm (Flutter Version Manager) brew tap leoafarias/fvm then brew install fvm and Accept All
  2. Check flutter Installed Currently fvm list
  3. Check flutter Realeased Versions fvm releases
  4. Install flutter Specific Version fvm install 3.0.0
  5. Use flutter Globally fvm global 3.0.0 and copy the flutter path and pest it to enviorment PATH
  6. open in terminla vim $HOME/.zshrc and press i to insert export PATH="/Users/devomman/fvm/default/bin:$PATH" then esc and write :wq! to save
  7. Now check with flutter doctor
  8. Use flutter LOCALLY fvm use 3.0.0 for Create Specific Version Project
  9. If Not Required Flutter fvm uninstall 3.0.0
  10. Android Studio Goto File > Setting > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK Path: /Users/devomman/fvm/default
  11. Download and use globally easily and path to andorid studio for switiching to another version

ISSUE on MAC User:

  • Issue: (x) zsh: command not found: .zshrc
  • Fix: (v) export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"


  • choco uninstall dart-sdk
  • choco uninstall fvm
  • If Exists MAC: /Users/devomman/fvm/ and WINDOWS: C:\Users\devom\fvm\ then Delete this folder
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@devomman Thanks!

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@devomman Thanks!

Your are welcome !

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