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Created May 7, 2013 17:02
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Save devoncrouse/5534261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Sox ( to remove background noise and/or silence from audio files (individually, or in batch).
# Create background noise profile from mp3
/usr/bin/sox noise.mp3 -n noiseprof
# Remove noise from mp3 using profile
/usr/bin/sox input.mp3 output.mp3 noisered 0.21
# Remove silence from mp3
/usr/bin/sox input.mp3 output.mp3 silence -l 1 0.3 5% -1 2.0 5%
# Remove noise and silence in a single command
/usr/bin/sox input.mp3 output.mp3 noisered 0.21 silence -l 1 0.3 5% -1 2.0 5%
# Batch process files
/usr/bin/find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -mmin +30 -exec sox -S --multi-threaded -buffer 131072 {} /path/to/output/{} noisered 0.21 silence -l 1 0.3 5% -1 2.0 5% \;
# Remove insignificant files
/usr/bin/find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -mmin +30 -size -500k -delete
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ghost commented Sep 27, 2017

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@theonlygusti It is by changing the number right after "" (currently, in this example, it is 0.21). You can learn more about the sox command line here :

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AIGyan commented Feb 3, 2020

Thank you @devoncrouse and @david-treblig
This is working fine but adding echo in the audio file. Could you please advise, if you have encountered similar issue.

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oshindow commented Mar 30, 2022

@AIGyan Same issue. Have you solved it?
This issue maybe caused by the sample rate of the audio. The echo was gone when I upsample the audio from 16k to 48k.

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