The following sample configures the Docker Engine to accept incoming connections on port 2375. All other configuration options will use default values.
"hosts": ["tcp://"]
The following sample configures the Docker daemon to keep images and containers in an alternate path.
"data-root": "d:\\docker"
"data-root": "/opt/docker"
The following sample configures the Docker daemon to only accept secured connections over port 2376.
"hosts": ["tcp://", "npipe://"],
"tlsverify": true,
"tlscacert": "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem",
"tlscert": "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\server-cert.pem",
"tlskey": "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\server-key.pem",
An example of how to manually start the Docker daemon in linux command line
dockerd --debug \
--tls=true \
--tlscert=/var/docker/server.pem \
--tlskey=/var/docker/serverkey.pem \
--host tcp://
listen using the default unix socket, and on 2 specific IP addresses on this host. $ sudo dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp:// -H tcp://
Allowed configuration options on Linux:
"authorization-plugins": [],
"dns": [],
"dns-opts": [],
"dns-search": [],
"exec-opts": [],
"exec-root": "",
"experimental": false,
"storage-driver": "",
"storage-opts": [],
"labels": [],
"live-restore": true,
"log-driver": "",
"log-opts": {},
"mtu": 0,
"pidfile": "",
"graph": "",
"cluster-store": "",
"cluster-store-opts": {},
"cluster-advertise": "",
"max-concurrent-downloads": 3,
"max-concurrent-uploads": 5,
"shutdown-timeout": 15,
"debug": true,
"hosts": [],
"log-level": "",
"tls": true,
"tlsverify": true,
"tlscacert": "",
"tlscert": "",
"tlskey": "",
"swarm-default-advertise-addr": "",
"api-cors-header": "",
"selinux-enabled": false,
"userns-remap": "",
"group": "",
"cgroup-parent": "",
"default-ulimits": {},
"init": false,
"init-path": "/usr/libexec/docker-init",
"ipv6": false,
"iptables": false,
"ip-forward": false,
"ip-masq": false,
"userland-proxy": false,
"userland-proxy-path": "/usr/libexec/docker-proxy",
"ip": "",
"bridge": "",
"bip": "",
"fixed-cidr": "",
"fixed-cidr-v6": "",
"default-gateway": "",
"default-gateway-v6": "",
"icc": false,
"raw-logs": false,
"registry-mirrors": [],
"seccomp-profile": "",
"insecure-registries": [],
"disable-legacy-registry": false,
"default-runtime": "runc",
"oom-score-adjust": -500,
"runtimes": {
"runc": {
"path": "runc"
"custom": {
"path": "/usr/local/bin/my-runc-replacement",
"runtimeArgs": [
Allowed configuration options on Windows:
"authorization-plugins": [],
"data-root": "",
"dns": [],
"dns-opts": [],
"dns-search": [],
"exec-opts": [],
"experimental": false,
"storage-driver": "",
"storage-opts": [],
"labels": [],
"log-driver": "",
"mtu": 0,
"pidfile": "",
"cluster-store": "",
"cluster-advertise": "",
"max-concurrent-downloads": 3,
"max-concurrent-uploads": 5,
"shutdown-timeout": 15,
"debug": true,
"hosts": [],
"log-level": "",
"tlsverify": true,
"tlscacert": "",
"tlscert": "",
"tlskey": "",
"swarm-default-advertise-addr": "",
"group": "",
"default-ulimits": {},
"bridge": "",
"fixed-cidr": "",
"raw-logs": false,
"allow-nondistributable-artifacts": [],
"registry-mirrors": [],
"insecure-registries": []