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Last active December 27, 2019 18:05
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Mirage JSON API Serializer (With Filtering, Sorting, Paging)
import sort from 'fast-sort';
import { JSONAPISerializer } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
const stringToBoolean = (str) =>
({ 'true': true, 'false': false }[str?.trim().toLowerCase()] || str);
export default class Application extends JSONAPISerializer {
// Can filter by any value on attributes
// Or an ID on a relationship that MUST be in the `includes`
filterResourceHash(resourceHash) {
const params = this.getFilteringQueryParams();
if (!params?.length) { return resourceHash; }
return resourceHash.filter((item) => params.every((param) => {
const { key: path } = param;
if (path === 'id') {
// Most of the time, the consumer will provide an integer id, hence the `==`.
return item?.[path] === param.value;
const { attributes, relationships } = item;
return attributes?.[path] === param?.value
|| relationships?.[path]?.data?.id === param?.value;
paginateResourceHash(resourceHash) {
const params = this.getPaginationQueryParams();
if (!params) { return resourceHash; }
const { number, size } = params;
return resourceHash.slice((number - 1) * size, number * size);
sortResourceHash(resourceHash) {
const params = this.getSortingQueryParam();
if (!params?.length) { return resourceHash; }
return sort(resourceHash).by({ key, direction }) => {
return { [direction]: (s) => s?.attributes?.[key] };
getHashForPrimaryResource(resource) {
let resourceHash = this.getHashForResource(resource);
if (Array.isArray(resourceHash)) {
resourceHash = this.filterResourceHash(resourceHash);
resourceHash = this.sortResourceHash(resourceHash);
resourceHash = this.paginateResourceHash(resourceHash);
const hashWithRoot = { data: resourceHash };
const addToIncludes = this.getAddToIncludesForResource(resource);
return [hashWithRoot, addToIncludes];
getFilteringQueryParams() {
const queryParams = this?.request?.queryParams || {};
const regex = /^filter\[([a-z-_]*)]$/i;
return Object.entries(queryParams)
.filter(([key]) => regex.test(key))
.map(([key, value]) => {
value = stringToBoolean(value);
/^\d+$/.test(value) && (value = Number(value));
return { key: regex.exec(key)[1], value };
getPaginationQueryParams() {
const queryParams = this?.request?.queryParams || {};
const { 'page[number]': number = 1, 'page[size]': size } = queryParams;
if (!size) { return null; }
return { number, size };
getSortingQueryParam() {
const queryParams = this?.request?.queryParams || {};
const { sort } = queryParams;
if (!sort) { return null; }
return sort.split(',').map((param) => ({
direction: param.startsWith('-') ? 'desc' : 'asc',
key: param.replace('-', '')
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