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Last active July 9, 2024 10:05
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Simple(ish) example of discord gateway
This code will get to ready, and then remain connected with heartbeats
see for more info
zlib compression is implemented as it will be required in gateway v7 (so get used to it now)
const WebSocket = require('ws'); //
const zlib = require('zlib-sync'); //
const erlpack = require('erlpack'); //
const os = require('os') // from node "standard library"
const OPCodes = {
HELLO: 10,
// zlib inflate context for zlib-stream
const inflate = new zlib.Inflate({
chunkSize: 65535,
flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
// create websocket (technically you should perform a GET to /api/gateway and use the response)
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://');
// sequence used for sessions and heartbeats
let sequence = 0;
function send(op, d) {
ws.send(erlpack.pack({ op, d }));
ws.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
const l = data.length;
// if data.length >= 4 and data ends with Z_SYNC_FLUSH constant
const flush = l >= 4 &&
data[l - 4] === 0x00 &&
data[l - 3] === 0x00 &&
data[l - 2] === 0xFF &&
data[l - 1] === 0xFF;
inflate.push(data, flush && zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (!flush) return;
// parse packet with erlpack after its inflated
const packet = erlpack.unpack(inflate.result);
// keep track of sequence for heartbeats
if (packet.s) sequence = packet.s;
// handle gateway ops
switch (packet.op) {
case OPCodes.HELLO:
console.log('Got op 10 HELLO');
// set heartbeat interval
setInterval(() => send(OPCodes.HEARTBEAT, sequence), packet.d.heartbeat_interval);
send(OPCodes.IDENTIFY, {
// you should put your token here _without_ the "Bot" prefix
token: '',
properties: {
$os: process.platform,
$browser: 'node.js',
$device: os.type(),
compress: false,
// handle gateway packet types
if (!packet.t) return;
switch (packet.t) {
// we should get this after we send identify
case 'READY':
console.log('ready as', packet.d.user);
ws.onopen = () => console.log('websocket opened!');
ws.onclose = ws.onerror = (e) => {
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