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Last active January 18, 2019 15:19
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Interpreter from Chapter 10 of The Little Typer implemented in Elixir
#! /usr/local/bin/elixir
defmodule TheLittleSchemer do
defmodule Toys do
@moduledoc "Chapter 1"
@doc """
The Law of Null?
The primitive null? is defined only for lists.
def null?([]), do: true
def null?(_), do: false
def atom?(x), do: not null?(x) and not is_list(x)
defmodule Pairs do
@moduledoc "Chapter 7"
def build(s1, s2), do: [s1, s2]
def first(p), do: hd(p)
def second(p), do: hd(tl(p))
def third(p), do: hd(tl(tl(p)))
defmodule Interpreter do
@moduledoc """
Chapter 10.
Types are represented as functions, called actions, with suffix ª.
Atoms are used for both symbols and identifiers. In order to differentiate between the two only greek lower case letters can be used as identifiers in lambda definitions:
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ ς τ υ φ χ ψ ω
[:lambda, [:χ], [:zero?, :χ]]
Run with:
elixir the_little_typer.exs
import TheLittleSchemer.Toys
import TheLittleSchemer.Pairs
def value(e), do: meaning(e, [])
defp meaning(e, table), do: expression_to_action(e).(e, table)
defp expression_to_action(e) do
cond do
atom?(e) -> atom_to_action(e)
true -> list_to_action(e)
defp list_to_action([:quote | _]), do: &quoteª/2
defp list_to_action([:lambda | _]), do: &lambdaª/2
defp list_to_action([:cond | _]), do: &condª/2
defp list_to_action([_ | _]), do: &applicationª/2
defp list_to_action(_), do: &applicationª/2
def condª([:cond | e], table), do: evcon(e, table)
def constª(e, _table) when is_number(e), do: e
def constª(true, _table), do: true
def constª(false, _table), do: false
def constª(e, _table), do: {:primitive, e}
def identifierª(e, table), do: lookup_in_table(e, table, &initial_table!/1)
def lambdaª([:lambda, formals, body], table),
do: build(:non_primitive, table: table, formals: formals, body: body)
def quoteª([:quote, text], _table), do: text
def atom_to_action(a) when is_number(a), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(true), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(false), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:cons), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:car), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:cdr), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:null?), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:eq?), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:atom?), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:zero?), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:add1), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:sub1), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:number?), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(:α), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:β), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:γ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:δ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ε), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ζ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:η), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:θ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ι), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:κ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:λ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:μ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ν), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ξ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ο), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:π), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ρ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:σ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ς), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:τ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:υ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:φ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:χ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ψ), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(:ω), do: &identifierª/2
def atom_to_action(e) when is_atom(e), do: &constª/2
def atom_to_action(_), do: &identifierª/2
def applicationª([f | args], table), do: apply_(meaning(f, table), eval_list(args, table))
defp eval_list([], _table), do: []
defp eval_list([arg | tl_arg], table), do: [meaning(arg, table) | eval_list(tl_arg, table)]
defp apply_({:primitive, f}, vals), do: apply_primitive(f, vals)
defp apply_([:non_primitive | closure], vals), do: apply_closure(closure, vals)
def apply_primitive(:cons, [v1, v2 | _]), do: [v1 | v2]
def apply_primitive(:car, vals), do: hd(first(vals))
def apply_primitive(:cdr, vals), do: tl(first(vals))
def apply_primitive(:null?, [val | _]), do: null?(val)
def apply_primitive(:eq?, [v1, v2 | _]), do: v1 == v2
def apply_primitive(:atom?, [val | _]), do: atomic?(val)
def apply_primitive(:zero?, [0 | _]), do: true
def apply_primitive(:zero?, _vals), do: false
def apply_primitive(:add1, [i | _]) when is_number(i), do: i + 1
def apply_primitive(:sub1, [i | _]) when is_number(i), do: i - 1
defp atomic?(x) do
cond do
atom?(x) -> true
null?(x) -> false
hd(x) == :primitive -> true
hd(x) == :non_primitive -> true
true -> false
defdelegate new_entry(formals, vals), to: Pairs, as: :build
def extend_table(e, t), do: [e | t]
def apply_closure([[table: table, formals: formals, body: body]], vals) do
extend_table(new_entry(formals, vals), table)
defp initial_table!(name), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: inspect(name))
def lookup_in_table(name, [], table_f), do: table_f.(name)
def lookup_in_table(name, table, table_f),
fn name -> lookup_in_table(name, tl(table), table_f) end
defp lookup_in_entry(name, entry, entry_f),
do: lookup_in_entry_help(name, first(entry), second(entry), entry_f)
defp lookup_in_entry_help(name, [], _values, entry_f), do: entry_f.(name)
defp lookup_in_entry_help(name, [name | _], values, _entry_f), do: hd(values)
defp lookup_in_entry_help(name, names, values, entry_f),
do: lookup_in_entry_help(name, tl(names), tl(values), entry_f)
defp evcon([[:else, e] | _], table), do: meaning(e, table)
defp evcon([[question, answer] | lines], table) do
cond do
meaning(question, table) -> meaning(answer, table)
true -> evcon(lines, table)
import ExUnit.Assertions
alias TheLittleSchemer.Toys
assert Toys.atom?(1)
assert Toys.atom?(true)
assert Toys.atom?(false)
refute Toys.atom?([])
assert Toys.null?([])
alias TheLittleSchemer.Pairs
assert [1, 2] ==, 2)
assert 1 == Pairs.first(, 2))
assert 2 == Pairs.second(, 2))
alias TheLittleSchemer.Interpreter
assert 1 == Interpreter.constª(1, nil)
assert Interpreter.constª(true, nil)
refute Interpreter.constª(false, nil)
assert Interpreter.value(true)
refute Interpreter.value(false)
assert 1 == Interpreter.value(1)
assert {:primitive, :cons} == Interpreter.value(:cons)
assert {:primitive, :car} == Interpreter.value(:car)
assert {:primitive, :cdr} == Interpreter.value(:cdr)
assert {:primitive, :null?} == Interpreter.value(:null?)
assert {:primitive, :eq?} == Interpreter.value(:eq?)
assert {:primitive, :atom?} == Interpreter.value(:atom?)
assert {:primitive, :zero?} == Interpreter.value(:zero?)
assert {:primitive, :add1} == Interpreter.value(:add1)
assert {:primitive, :sub1} == Interpreter.value(:sub1)
assert {:primitive, :number?} == Interpreter.value(:number?)
assert :the_raven == Interpreter.value([:quote, :the_raven])
assert [1, 2] == Interpreter.value([:quote, [1, 2]])
assert [] == Interpreter.value([:quote, []])
assert Interpreter.value([:null?, [:quote, []]])
assert [1, 2, 3] == Interpreter.value([:cons, 1, [:quote, [2, 3]]])
assert [1, 2, 3] == Interpreter.value([:cons, 1, [:cons, 2, [:quote, [3]]]])
assert [1, 2, 3] == Interpreter.value([:cons, 1, [:cons, 2, [:cons, 3, [:quote, []]]]])
assert 1 == Interpreter.value([:car, [:quote, [1, 2, 3]]])
assert [2, 3] == Interpreter.value([:cdr, [:quote, [1, 2, 3]]])
assert 2 == Interpreter.value([:car, [:cdr, [:quote, [1, 2, 3]]]])
assert Interpreter.value([:eq?, 0, 0])
refute Interpreter.value([:eq?, 0, 1])
refute Interpreter.value([:eq?, [:quote, :a], [:quote, :b]])
assert Interpreter.value([:zero?, 0])
refute Interpreter.value([:zero?, 1])
assert Interpreter.value([:zero?, [:sub1, 1]])
assert 3 == Interpreter.value([:add1, 2])
assert 2 == Interpreter.value([:sub1, 3])
assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Interpreter.value([:add1, :χ]) end
assert :spaghetti ==
[[:entrée, :dessert], [:spaghetti, :spumoni]],
[[:appetizer, :entrée, :beverage], [:food, :tastes, :good]]
fn -> nil end
assert :campari ==
[[:entrée, :dessert], [:spaghetti, :spumoni]],
[[:appetizer, :entrée, :beverage], [:food, :tastes, :campari]]
fn _ -> nil end
assert 6 ==
[:lambda, [:χ], [:add1, :χ]],
assert Interpreter.value([
[:lambda, [:χ], [:zero?, :χ]],
assert false ==
[:lambda, [:χ], [:zero?, :χ]],
assert 1 == Interpreter.value([:cond, [:else, 1]])
assert Interpreter.value([:cond, [[:zero?, 0], true]])
assert Interpreter.value([:cond, [[:zero?, 0], true], [:else, false]])
assert Interpreter.value([[:lambda, [:χ], [:cond, [[:zero?, :χ], true], [:else, false]]], 0])
assert 4 == Interpreter.value([[:lambda, [:χ], [:cond, [[:eq?, :χ, 2], 4], [:else, 0]]], 2])
assert 2 ==
[:cond, [[:eq?, :χ, 1], 1], [[:eq?, :χ, 2], 2], [[:eq?, :χ, 3], 3], [:else, 0]]
assert 4 == Interpreter.value([[:lambda, [:χ], [:cond, [[:eq?, :χ, 2], 4], [:else, 0]]], 2])
assert :yes == Interpreter.value([[:lambda, [:α, :β], [:cond, [[:eq?, :α, :β], [:quote, :yes]]]], :a, :a])
assert 0 == Interpreter.value([[:lambda, [:α, :β], [:cond, [[:eq?, :α, :β], true], [:else, 0]]], 1, 2])
IO.puts("OK. On to The Seasoned Schemer...")
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