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threedaymonk / mandel.clj
Created September 11, 2012 20:32
UTF-8 Mandelbrot in Clojure
(def screen-width 100)
(def screen-height 30)
(defn scaled-x [x]
(- (* (/ x screen-width) 3.5) 2.5))
(defn scaled-y [y]
(- (* (/ y screen-height) 2) 1))
(defn mandel [x y iteration x0 y0 max-iteration]
ghoseb / ns-cheatsheet.clj
Last active February 18, 2025 10:30 — forked from alandipert/ns-cheatsheet.clj
Clojure ns syntax cheat-sheet
;; * :require makes functions available with a namespace prefix
;; and optionally can refer functions to the current ns.
;; * :import refers Java classes to the current namespace.
;; * :refer-clojure affects availability of built-in (clojure.core)
;; functions.