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Forked from pento/php-block.js
Created March 15, 2019 23:32
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Converting a shortcode to a block: this method is fast to do, but a mediocre UX. You should only use this as a stopgap until you can implement a full block UI.
// License: GPLv2+
var el = wp.element.createElement,
registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType,
ServerSideRender = wp.components.ServerSideRender,
TextControl = wp.components.TextControl,
InspectorControls = wp.editor.InspectorControls;
* Here's where we register the block in JavaScript.
* It's not yet possible to register a block entirely without JavaScript, but
* that is something I'd love to see happen. This is a barebones example
* of registering the block, and giving the basic ability to edit the block
* attributes. (In this case, there's only one attribute, 'foo'.)
registerBlockType( 'pento/php-block', {
title: 'PHP Block',
icon: 'megaphone',
category: 'widgets',
* In most other blocks, you'd see an 'attributes' property being defined here.
* We've defined attributes in the PHP, that information is automatically sent
* to the block editor, so we don't need to redefine it here.
edit: function( props ) {
return [
* The ServerSideRender element uses the REST API to automatically call
* php_block_render() in your PHP code whenever it needs to get an updated
* view of the block.
el( ServerSideRender, {
block: 'pento/php-block',
attributes: props.attributes,
} ),
* InspectorControls lets you add controls to the Block sidebar. In this case,
* we're adding a TextControl, which lets us edit the 'foo' attribute (which
* we defined in the PHP). The onChange property is a little bit of magic to tell
* the block editor to update the value of our 'foo' property, and to re-render
* the block.
el( InspectorControls, {},
el( TextControl, {
label: 'Foo',
onChange: ( value ) => { props.setAttributes( { foo: value } ); },
} )
// We're going to be rendering in PHP, so save() can just return null.
save: function() {
return null;
} );
Plugin Name: PHP Block
Description: A sample PHP rendered block, showing how to convert a shortcode to a block.
Author: Gary Pendergast
Version: 0.1
Author URI:
License: GPLv2+
* Here's a little sample plugin that shows how to easily convert an existing shortcode
* to be a server-side rendered block. This lets you get your existing plugin functionality
* running in the block editor as quickly as possible, you can always go back later and
* improve the UX.
* In this case, we have an imaginary shortcode, [php_block], which accepts one argument, 'foo'.
* This shortcode would be used like so:
* [php_block foo=abcde]
* Because the block editor uses the same function signature when doing server-side rendering, we
* can reuse our entire shortcode logic when creating the block.
* Register our block and shortcode.
function php_block_init() {
// Register our block editor script.
plugins_url( 'php-block.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-components', 'wp-editor' )
// Register our block, and explicitly define the attributes we accept.
register_block_type( 'pento/php-block', array(
'attributes' => array(
'foo' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'editor_script' => 'php-block', // The script name we gave in the wp_register_script() call.
'render_callback' => 'php_block_render',
) );
// Define our shortcode, too, using the same render function as the block.
add_shortcode( 'php_block', 'php_block_render' );
add_action( 'init', 'php_block_init' );
* Our combined block and shortcode renderer.
* For more complex shortcodes, this would naturally be a much bigger function, but
* I've kept it brief for the sake of focussing on how to use it for block rendering.
* @param array $attributes The attributes that were set on the block or shortcode.
function php_block_render( $attributes ) {
return '<p>' . print_r( $attributes, true ) . '</p>';
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