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Last active March 6, 2019 18:19
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Uniquely Identifiable Tokens -- v0.2 DRAFT

UIT introduces the new property type 5 to represent non-fungible tokens. With UIT each token within a collection is considered a unique entity and can be addressed explicitly.

For example, a digital token could be created to represent cats. While the current protocol allows to create tokens to represent some form of cats in general, where every cat is a cat, each cat is also an individuum and distinct from another, so non-distinguishable tokens may not be sufficient. UIT allows to represent and interact with each cat on it's own.


Creating UIT

Fixed supply

It should be possible to create a fixed number of UIT with the existing transaction 50 ("New Property Creation with Fixed number of Tokens"). The property type 5 is used for uniquely identifiable tokens. Tokens with an ascending unit identifier, starting with an identifier of 1, are then credited to the sender of the transaction.

Managable supply

It should also be possible to create a dynamic number of UIT with the existing transaction 54 ("New Property with Managed Number of Tokens") by using 5 as property type.

When creating new tokens with transaction 55 ("Granting Tokens for a Managed Property"), new tokens are created with an increasing unit identifier. For example, when there are 3 existing UIT with unit identifiers (1, 2, 3), then the next unit identifier of a newly created UIT is 4.

Destroying UIT

If a UIT is created as managable, then the existing transaction 56 ("Revoking Tokens for a Managed Property") should be usable to destroy existing units and to reduce the outstanding supply.

When revoking tokens, the tokens from the end of a range are destroyed first. For example, when there are 5 existing UIT with unit identifiers (23, 24, 25, 31, 33) and 3 UIT are revoked, then the last 3 UIT (33, 31, 25) are destroyed, resulting in a remaining collection of (23, 24).

Transferring UIT

Transferring single units

A new transaction type is added to transfer a single specified token of a specified property:

Field Type Example
Transaction version 16-bit unsigned 0
Transaction type 16-bit unsigned TBD
Property identifier 32-bit unsigned 571 (CryptoKitties)
Unit identifier 64-bit signed 700009 (Unit #700009)

This transaction is similar to a regular simple send transaction, but instead of specifying an amount, a unit identifier is given to locate and determine a single unique token to transfer.

Transferring a range of units

A new transaction type is added to transfer a range of unique tokens of a specified property:

Field Type Example
Transaction version 16-bit unsigned 0
Transaction type 16-bit unsigned TBD
Property identifier 32-bit unsigned 571 (CryptoKitties)
First unit identifier 64-bit signed 13 (Unit #13)
Last unit identifier 64-bit signed 18 (Unit #18)

With this transaction it is possible to send multiple UIT in one transaction. For example, Alice has a collection of tokens (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20) and sends a range of tokens starting with identifier 13 and ending with identifier 18. In this case all tokens in that range are transferred, namely (13, 14, 15, 18).

Transferring all available units

The existing transaction 5 ("Send All") is modified to support uniquely identifiable tokens. For this transaction type no special logic to determine, which tokens are transferred, is needed, because the transaction simply transfers all available tokens.


Balance queries

The existing balance RPCs should be compatible with UIT and show the total amount as if they were indivisible tokens.

New RPCs are added:

  • omni_getuniquetokens: returns all UIT held by a specified address of a specified property
  • omni_getuniquetokenowner: returns the address that holds a specified token of a specified property

It would be nice to have a call to list all UIT, but in which format? Listing every unique token on it's own can result in a huge list. Use ranges instead?

Transaction creation

The existing RPCs for transaction creation should fail, if they don't support UIT.

The new RPC omni_sendunique can be used to send one single unique token to a receiver. The new RPC omni_createpayload_sendunique can be used to create the related raw payload. Likewise, omni_senduniquerange and omni_createpayload_senduniquerange are added to transfer a range of UIT.

Transaction retrieval

The existing RPC omni_gettransaction should support the new transactions.

The existing RPCs such as omni_getproperty should have a new field uniquelyidentifiable to indicate, whether a property is a UIT.

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Good start. Comments -

  • UIT token numbering should start from 1 so it's easier for the user community. The tenth one is #10, not #9.
  • Every tx that operates on a UIT should specify the particular UIT(s) that are affected.

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dexX7 commented Oct 17, 2018

Hey @marvgmail,

  1. Good point, this should work!
  2. The new transaction to send a UIT transfers a single, specified, token, so that's covered.

However, I think it would also be good, if we have more options and if UIT were compatible with the regular transactions as well, especially simple sends, so bulk sending becomes possible. However, the downside here is that UIT selection (i.e. which ids are actually transferred) isn't explicit. We could use an approach like "take the last n UIT, when simple sending". E.g.: Alice has 50 UIT with ids (1..50) and sends 10 UIT to Bob, thus UIT with ids (40..50) are transferred, because these are the ones with the highest id. What do you think?

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A couple of thoughts -

  1. id's can't be re-used (because an id might refer to something external), so when adding tokens to a Managed Property, the id's of the added tokens start with one plus the previous highest id for that property, regardless of which specific token id's have been revoked. So, the maximum number of those tokens, and corresponding id's, that can be created is a signed 64-bit integer regardless of how many have been revoked.

  2. we need to decide how a range of id's will be affected when there are gaps within the range at the time the tx is submitted. For instance, what happens if an address owns id's 1, 2, 4, 6 and a tx specifies a range that includes 3 and/or 5? It's possible that id 3 and/or 5 might be transferred to that address before the range tx is processed. We can't know the address owner's intent about whether 3 and/or 5 should be affected by the range tx.

    1. strictly speaking, this same question applies to the "All" transaction types as well. We can't know for sure that the address owner wants to affect any tokens that are transferred to the address before the "All" transaction is processed.

    2. For completeness, we need a conscious decision about what happens if one or more id's in a range is no longer available before the tx is processed.

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