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Created December 22, 2011 05:28
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TUI.swfobject = (function(TUI){
var uuid = 0;
var isie = !(navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length);
var webkit = TUI.browser.webkit;
var flashMC = TUI.getFlashMC;
var template = {
'object': '<object id="<%=id%>" <%=classid%> width="<%=width%>" height="<%=height%>" name="<%=name%>" <%=data%> style="<%=style%>" <%=mimetype%> >',
'embed': '<embed id="<%=id%>" width="<%=width%>" height="<%=height%>" flashvars="<%=flashvars%>" quality="high" name="<%=name%>" src="<%=src%>" style="<%=style%>" <%=mimetype%> ',
'pluginspage': '<a id=<%=id%> class="tui_noflash" href="#" style="width:<%=width%>;height:<%=height%>;display:block;overflow:hidden;cursor:pointer;<%=style%>" onclick="<%=fn%>()">需要flashplayer插件,点击安装</a>'
var FLASH_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
* @public
var SwfObj = TUI.swfClass = TUI.newClass({
* @constructor
initialize: function(opt){
var self = this;
TUI.mix(this, opt);
// 默认属性
var attrs = opt.attrs;
var flashId =;
if (!flashId)
flashId = = 'TUI_flashObj_' + uuid;
* @public flashId
this.flashId = flashId;
if (! =;
this.pluginspage = opt.pluginspage || pluginspage;
this.pluginspageTpl = opt.pluginspageTpl || pluginspageTpl;
var ver = getVersion();
this.isSupport = ver && ver[0] > 0;
// 给flash提供通用交互接口
* @public jsapiName
var jsapiName = this.jsapiName = opt.flashvars.jsapi = '_TUI_flashObj_' + uuid;
* flash调用的js方法
* @public jsapi
var jsapi = this.jsapi = window[jsapiName] = {};
var allowscript = opt.params.allowscriptaccess || opt.params.allowScriptAccess;
if (allowscript && allowscript != 'never') {
this.event = new TUI.eventClass();
TUI.mix(jsapi, {
// flash接口初始化之后触发这个方法
flashReady: function(args){
self.event.enable('load', args);
// 取值
getValue: function(fullname){
return TUI.ns(fullname);
// 供flash调用任意js方法,获取返回值
callFunc: function(fullname, args){try{
return TUI.ns(fullname).apply(TUI.ns(fullname.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '')), args);
}catch(ex){return false;}},
// 用来处理所有flash事件
notify: function(eventName, args){, args);
* public 嵌入flash标签
* @param {String} * objid是用来替换的页面元素的id,在没有id的时候使用document.write
load: function(objid){
var box = objid ? $('#' + objid)[0] : false;
if (box) { //用flash标签替换指定id的页面元素
if (box.outerHTML && !TUI.browser.opera) { // for ie
box.outerHTML = this.getHTML();
} else {
var self = this, f = TUI.addElm(this.getHTML(), function(){
box.parentNode.replaceChild(this, box);
//this.setAttribute("data", self.attrs.src); //防止重复加载 @TODO 此方法无效
} else { //在没有提供替换的页面元素时,在load方法执行的地方直接写入flash标签
* 针对ie或其他浏览器生成相应的flash标签的html代码
getHTML: function() {
var n, k, self = this, html = [], vars = [],
attrs = this.attrs, flashvars = this.flashvars, params = this.params;
if (this.isSupport) {
if (webkit && webkit < 312 || !isie && this.type === "embed") {
for (n in flashvars)
vars.push(n + "=" + flashvars[n]);
attrs.flashvars = vars.join("&");
attrs.mimetype = 'type="' + FLASH_MIME_TYPE + '"';
html.push(TUI.renderTpl(template['embed'], attrs));
for (k in params)
html.push(k + '="' + params[k] + '" ');
html.push(' ></embed>');
} else {
if (isie) {
attrs.classid = 'classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"';
} else { = 'data="' + attrs.src + '"';
attrs.mimetype = 'type="' + FLASH_MIME_TYPE + '"';
html.push(TUI.renderTpl(template['object'], attrs));
params["movie"] = attrs.src;
params["quality"] = "high";
for (k in params)
html.push('<param name="', k, '" value="', params[k], '" />');
for (n in flashvars)
vars.push(n + "=" + flashvars[n]);
if (vars.length > 0)
html.push('<param name="flashvars" value="', vars.join("&"), '" />');
} else { // 没安装flash插件
var w = attrs.width, h = attrs.height;
html.push(TUI.renderTpl(this.pluginspageTpl(), TUI.mix(attrs, {
width: !w && 'auto' || /%$/.test(w) && w || w + "px",
height: !h && 'auto' || /%$/.test(h) && h || h + "px",
fn: this.jsapiName + ".pluginspage" // 点击事件
this.jsapi.pluginspage = function(){
return html.join("");
// 以下是调用flash接口的方法
* onload之后
ready: function(fn){
this.event.bind('load', fn);
* 申请监听flash的事件,必须等onload后执行
bind: function(eventName, handler){
this.event.bind(eventName, handler);
flashMC(this.flashId)._addEventListener(eventName, this.jsapiName + '.notify');
* 直接调用flash内部的方法,有返回值,必须等onload后执行
callMethod: function(methodName, args){
return flashMC(this.flashId)._call(methodName, args);
* @factory 初始化flash对象
* @param {Object} url是swf地址
* @param {Object} w是flash宽度
* @param {Object} h是flash高度
* @param {Object} vars是flashvars属性
* @param {Object} params是flash元素里的param标签
* @param {Object} attrs是flash标签本身的属性
function swfobject(url,w,h,vars,params,attrs){
attrs = TUI.mix(attrs || {}, {
src: url,
width: w,
height: h
var tagType = attrs.tagType;
delete attrs.tagType;
return new SwfObj({
type: tagType,
attrs: attrs,
params: params,
flashvars: vars,
pluginspage: pluginspage,
pluginspageTpl: pluginspageTpl
TUI.mix(swfobject, {
getVersion: getVersion,
setPluginspage: function(fn){
var oldfn = pluginspage;
pluginspage = function(){
return, oldfn);
setPluginspageTpl: function(fn){
var oldfn = pluginspageTpl;
pluginspageTpl = function(){
return, oldfn);
return swfobject;
* @static 获取flashplayer的版本
* @return {Array}
function getVersion() {
var ver = [0,0,0];
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
var x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
if (x && x.description) //"10.0 r115", "10.0 d51", "10.0 b51"
ver = x.description.replace(/^\D+/, '').replace(/\s*r/, '.').replace(/\s*[a-z]+\d*/, '.0').split('.');
} else {
if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE") >= 0) {
var axo = 1;
var n = 3;
while (axo) {
try {
axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + n);
ver = [n, 0, 0];
} catch(e) {
axo = null;
} else {
try {
var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
} catch(e) {
try {
var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
ver = [6, 0, 21];
axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
} catch(e) {
if (ver.major == 6)
return ver;
try {
axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
} catch(e) {}
if (axo != null) {
ver = axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(",");
return ver;
function pluginspage(){
TUI.panel('安装完flashplayer之后,要记得先重新启动浏览器,再访问土豆喔', function(){
TUI.openURL('', '_blank');
return false;
function pluginspageTpl(){
return template['pluginspage'];
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