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Last active August 3, 2018 09:44
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Confirming Navigation with Iron Router (canceling route transition)
* Adds a confirmation dialogue when the current route contains unsaved changes.
* This is tricky because Iron Router doesn't support this out of the box, and
* the reactivity gets in the way.
* In this solution, redirecting to the current route is abused
* as a mechanism to stop the current transition, which Iron Router has no API
* for. Because the redirect would trigger the onStop hook, we keep track of
* whether to run the onStop hook or not ourselves in
* `skipConfirmationForNextTransition`.
* When `Session.get('formIsDirty')` returns `true`, the user will be asked
* whether he really wants to leave the route or not.
* Further, another confirmation is added in case the browser window is closed
* with unsaved data.
* This gist shows the basics of how to achieve a navigation confirmation,
* also known as canceling a route transition.
* This approach may fail if other route hooks trigger reruns of hooks reactively.
* Maybe setting `skipConfirmationForNextTransition` to `true` could help in those
* cases.
Session.setDefault('formIsDirty', false)
const confirmationMessage = 'You have unsaved data. Are you sure you want to leave?'
// whether the user should confirm the navigation or not,
// set to `true` before redirecting programmatically to skip confirmation
let skipConfirmationForNextTransition = false
Router.onStop(function () {
// register dependencies immediately
const formIsDirty = Session.equals('formIsDirty', true)
// prevent duplicate execution of onStop route, because it would run again
// after the redirect
if (skipConfirmationForNextTransition) {
skipConfirmationForNextTransition = false
if (formIsDirty) {
const shouldLeave = confirm(confirmationMessage)
if (shouldLeave) {
Session.set('formIsDirty', false)
// obtain a non-reactive reference to the current route
let currentRoute
Tracker.nonreactive(function () {
currentRoute = Router.current()
skipConfirmationForNextTransition = true
// "cancel" the transition by redirecting to the same route
// this had to be used because Iron Router doesn't support cancling the
// current transition. `url` contains the query params and hash.
// Bonus: confirm closing of browser window
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', event => {
if (Session.get('formIsDirty')) {
// cross-browser requries returnValue to be set, as well as an actual
// return value
event.returnValue = confirmationMessage // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return confirmationMessage
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thank you very much.
I had to made some modifications to work on my case

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