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Created June 22, 2011 20:57
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For Aukosh
from numpy import array,sin,cos,cov
import numpy.random as random
def obs_to_xyz(obs):
D,th,phi,vr,vth,vphi = tuple(obs)
sth,cth = sin(th),cos(th)
sphi,cphi = sin(phi),cos(phi)
return [D*sth*cphi,
vr*sth*cphi + vth*cth*cphi - vphi*sphi,
vr*sth*sphi + vth*cth*sphi + vphi*cphi,
vr*cth - vth*sth]
N = 10000
obs = 10.0+random.randn(6*N).reshape((N,6))
print cov(obs)
xyz = []
for o in obs:
xyz = array(xyz)
print cov(xyz)
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