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Created June 5, 2011 19:29
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Routing in Django verus Nette Framework



# urls like "articles/2011/tutorial03" or "articles/2011/tutorial03.html" or "articles/2011/tutorial03.htm"

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'articles/(?P<year>\d+)/(?P<item>[^/]+)(?:\.htm(?:l)?)?/?\$', 'articles.detail'),

In template:

<p><a href="{% url articles.views.detail article.year %}">The Article</a></p>
  • Regular expression is hard to read.
  • Any change of URL means to change some templates.
  • Redirect to the prefered URL (e.g. articles/2011/tutorial03.htm -> articles/2011/tutorial03) must developer provide itself.


Nette Framework

In bootstrap.php

$router[] = new Route('articles/<year \d+>/<item>[.htm[l]]', 'Articles:detail');

In template:

<p><a n:href="Articles:detail $article->year, $article->id">The Article</a></p>
  • Route mask is easy to read.
  • Any change of URL means to change one line in bootstrap.php.
  • Redirect to the prefered URL (e.g. articles/2011/tutorial03.htm -> articles/2011/tutorial03) is done automatically.
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Almad commented Jun 14, 2011

@littlemaple: Oh, I thought you were thinking abotu canonical URI.

I agree there should be one preferred way, this is why I am using only reverse() with named routes, althrough I can view others as "aliases", in the same way there should be one canonical URI, but content can be displayed under variety of non-canonical ones.

Rest is nette vs. django flame (OK, some PHP vs. Python flame included) I will not dwell into, as I don't like either of those much; however, I'd say that while working with GET params is not very comfortable in Django, I agree with the distinction between parameters and application routing. GET should be really parameters and not resource identificators...and also because of funny http caching mess.

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