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dgalarza / gist:3248130
Created August 3, 2012 14:28 — forked from rowan-m/gist:1026918
update jenkins Updatecenter from CLI
$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:9000 install-plugin findbugs
findbugs is neither a valid file, URL, nor a plugin artifact name in the update center
No update center data is retrieved yet from:
findbugs looks like a short plugin name. Did you mean 'null'?
# Specifying a full URL works!
$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:9020 install-plugin
# Get the update center ourself
dgalarza /
Created July 25, 2012 19:42 — forked from searls/
Stack traces I get when I attempt to install native Ruby extensions on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Developer Preview

Trying to make my Ruby environment happy under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

A few notes. I had:

  • installed XCode 2.4 Preview as well as its command line tools (which are found separately in Preferences -> Downloads)
  • updated rvm (rvm get latest)

and my issue was:

  • system ruby installed every gem with native extensions I threw at it
dgalarza / scheduled_job.rb
Created July 17, 2012 20:23 — forked from kares/scheduled_job.rb
Recurring Job using Delayed::Job
# Recurring Job using Delayed::Job
# Setup Your job the "plain-old" DJ (perform) way, include this module
# and Your handler will re-schedule itself every time it succeeds.
# Sample :
# class MyJob
# include Delayed::ScheduledJob
dgalarza / gist:3040209
Created July 3, 2012 14:51 — forked from lusis/gist:1047214
update jenkins Updatecenter from CLI
$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:9000 install-plugin findbugs
findbugs is neither a valid file, URL, nor a plugin artifact name in the update center
No update center data is retrieved yet from:
findbugs looks like a short plugin name. Did you mean 'null'?
# Specifying a full URL works!
$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:9020 install-plugin
# Get the update center ourself
## /config/initializers/dynamic_job.rb
require 'heroku'
# base class for all jobs that you wish to automatically scale and go down in Heroku
class DynamicJob
#set a cap on maximum number of users ever - just in case.
def initialize
dgalarza / log.js
Created April 9, 2010 21:29 — forked from afahy/log.js
// allows you to log an object while staying in the chain
var console = ("console" in window) ? window.console : { "log": alert, "dir": alert };
$.extend($.fn, {
log: function(){
return this;