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Last active July 8, 2023 13:09
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echo "Now Updating all Docker Containers"
export TZ=UTC # force all timestamps to be in UTC (+00:00 / Z)
printf -v start_date_epoch '%(%s)T'
printf -v start_date_iso8601 '%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00)T' "$start_date_epoch"
# Declare an array of string with type
declare -a StringArray=("auth-stack" "bitwarden" "filerun" "languagetool" "media-stack" "monitoring" )
# Iterate the string array using for loop
for val in ${StringArray[@]}; do
cd /data
echo Now Updating $val
cd $val
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
while IFS= read -r -d '' name; do
names+=( "$name" )
done < <(
docker container ls --format="{{.Names}}" | xargs -n1 docker container inspect | jq -j --arg start_date "$start_date_iso8601" '.[] | select(.State.StartedAt > $start_date) | (.Name, "\u0000")'
echo "now Updating the system"
apt update
apt upgrade
echo "Updated those containers:"
for containername in ${names[@]}; do
#if string does not contain matrix
if [[ $containername != *"matrix"* ]]; then
echo $containername
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